BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


When the Warforged city of Firsthome was opened, the people of Summerlund got their first clear look at some intact “Old Ones” structures. Amongst these structures were a partially intact library. Over time, some scholars have translated these writings and discovered great secrets of alchemy, arcane modifications, and the crafting of construct servants. While none of these secrets have revealed how the creation of the Warforged was accomplished, some of these scholars have learned many useful pieces of magecraft. Those that take up a life of adventuring are often known by the title Artificer.
  Artificers possess many unusual powers, although they tend to consider themselves scholars and natural scientists rather than dabblers. They are capable of manipulating arcane power to harness the elements, strengthen armor, generate construct servants out of seemingly trivial materials, and create new magic items. They are also capable of drawing Pneuma and life energy from willing allies and admixing it with arcane power to create healing infusions.
  Those who distrust the powers of the Old Ones and arcane magics find them untrustworthy and maybe even a bit sinister. Many adventuring parties, however, have found artificers to be eccentric but useful companions.


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