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Summerlund Overview

Summerlund is a Human kingdom on the eastern coast of Aldorath. It was founded by Falwythi Humans and Tieflings who fled west from the ruin of Falwyth and the War of Ashes  over one thousand years ago. When they joined the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms, they adopted a name and a single king. They are the only Kingdom to actually use the term King for their ruler. The capital of Summerlund is the grand city of Estwald, with its beautiful Tower of the Rising Dawn looking east across the Bright Sea. At the northern tip of Estwald is Castle Caladorn, the seat of the king’s power. Their flag depicts a golden phoenix rising on a green background. During the First Witching War , they added a gold crown over the phoenix to reflect their status as a first among equals.   Summerlings, the people of Summerlund, tend to be dark of complexion, with darkly tanned, ruddy, or olive skin. Their hair tends to range from light brown to black. Red hair appears, but it’s very rare, and it’s thought to be a sign of elf blood somewhere back in the family. This is somewhat corroborated by the high instance of red hair among the people of Seowyn's Crossing. Eyes are usually black or brown with green eyes appearing rarely and being considered very attractive in both genders. Summerlings are a little shorter and stockier on average than the Hastane. The country also has a relatively high population of Kalrentai, especially on the western edge.   Their society is agrarian and feudal. Three dukes swear direct fealty to the King. The three duchies are Osterlund, Estshar, and Sudrast. Some smaller sections of the duchies are parceled to a ruler called a Count. Numerous barons, lords, and knights hold the land under each duke. An unlanded lord swearing directly to the King is called a marquis. Unlanded lords swearing to a duke are called earls. Unlanded lords swearing to a count are called viscounts. Unlanded knights swearing to a baron are called Bannerets.   All land in Summerlund is considered to be King’s Land. In true feudal style, the land is parceled out for those below to rule in the King’s name. Each lord swears to the King and to the noble above their station. Unlike true feudalism, however, all vassals are free men who only have to pay their yearly price to their liege to enjoy the King’s Law and the King’s Justice…at least in theory. In reality, this isn’t always the case, thanks to geographic distance, the state of the land, and corrupt nobility.   Over the past thousand years since the founding of the Kingdom of Summerlund, several different noble houses have held the throne. One of the longest (although not the first) was House Tarmoore. Aldwyn Tarmoore was a hero of the First Witching War, uniting the Seven Kingdoms against his sister Adala, the Witch Queen. His house ruled from 250 SKR to 709 SKR when the last Tarmoore, Caudus, fell in battle during the Second Witching War . Rumors circulate regularly about a lost Tarmoore heir, as people remember that period of history as a golden one.   After that, the crown of Summerlund was held briefly by the House Kassryx, family of one of the land's greatest knights, Sir Landyn Kassryx. Stunned by the loss of two kings, Landyn held the crown as Lord Steward long enough to finish the Second Witching War. After this, he willingly yielded the crown to House Valmar, cousins to the Tarmoores. A bloody uprising put the crown in the hands of House Padwyn, a rival noble house. After some fifty years of Padwyn rule, Albryn Thonwyr became king, and the fortunes of House Thonwyr rose. Thonwyr nobles ruled Summerlund until 1081 SKR, when the Five Who Call murdered King Hadyn and Queen Eleanor Thonwyr. Now their eldest son, Harbryn Thonwyr, rules as Lord Steward, but the rumor that the Adventurer Tristan Holdfast has been revealed as the lost Tarmoore heir suggests why he hasn't taken the crown.   House Kassryx traditionally holds the Duchy of Sudrast. Through some alliances and concessions, House Padwyn currently holds the Duchy of Ostralm. House Valmar nobles hold several important titles in the kingdom, but not a duchy. The Duchy of Estshar is traditionally ruled by the Crown Prince of Summerlund.   Summerlund exports grain to the Dwarves of Kurdenheim in exchange for steel. It exports beef to the Hastane in exchange for slate. It exports horses to the Goblinoids of Gristamere in exchange for lumber.
Court, Royal
  The inhabitants of Summerlund are the Summerlings.


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