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The dhoven (singular dhovah) are a race of otterlike humanoids who primarily inhabit the southeastern shores of the island of Thurinvald. They have little interest in ruling or conflict, preferring to fish their reefs and coves, to worship their beloved goddess, Lhiuri, and to live quiet, pleasant lives.   They are covered in dense fur to protect them from the cold waters of the ocean, and sensitive whiskers aid them in exploring and hunting underwater. They have long, thick tails that they use to propel themselves through the water at great speeds, aided by their slightly webbed hands and feet. They tend to prefer loose fitting, comfortable clothing that's easily shed when they enter the water. They sometimes dye their fur in elaborate patterns and colors, especially around festival times.   Dhoven congregate in clans, and, when several clans settle in the same region, they form a illuva - this Aquan word means something between community, village, and family. Dhoven are a friendly and playful folk, treating strangers as friends they simply hadn't met yet. They rarely craft metal, preferring to trade with others for that, but they make crafts of bone, wood, coral, and shell. Their skills as scrimshaw artist on all manner of bone and scale are unmatched.   They believe that their Goddess created them out of water itself. Many of them develop abilities to shape water, eventually learning to conjure or dismiss the stuff and ultimately to give themselves and allies the ability to breath beneath the waves. Whether or not they truly are born of water, their grace in it is astonishing to behold, and many are as comfortable in the waves as they are out, if not more so.   Dhoven are given names that have often been passed down through a clan. It's not unusual for a dhovah child to be named for an ancestor of those who lived a hundred years or more in the past. When outside their clan, many have a nickname they prefer to go by. At formal times, a dhovah will use their name, their parents' names, and clan name all together, but this is a mark of a situation of grave consequence. A dhovah who announces, "I am Rhul, son of Khayle and Ranah, Waveleaper Clan," is saying something very different than, "You can call me Pebble."   Male Names: Bahari, Dunnow, Khayle, Rhul, Tummo   Female Names: Cellia, Eshti, Illia, Ranah, Weslah   Clan Names: Foamdancer, Shellshield, Pearlfinder, Tenfathom, Waveleaper


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