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The Fusion was a Shardmind who dwelt in the Frostscar region of the Desolation of Azmartheon. Unlike the apostates of the Topaz Society, the Fusion was still loyal to the tenets of the Living Weapon that birthed the Shardmind race. The Fusion called Shardminds to it, destroyed them, and assimilated them into a matrix, attempting to restore the gate to the Far Realm.
  When it called to The Shaper, this proved to be its undoing. With its fellow Fire Wasps, the Shaper defeated the Fusion and freed those Shardminds from its control that had not been fully assimilated. Although many hundreds of shardminds were rendered inert, the threat of the Fusion was ended. Other members of the Topaz Society gathered the various shards and transported them to the Mountain.


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