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Gnolls are the children of Yeenoghu, a terrible Demon lord known as the Beast of Butchery and the Ruler of Ruin. According to their faith, they were created when Yeenoghu fed some of his most cunning and powerful fiendish servants to a pack of hyenas. This led to the first gnolls, and the gnolls of Kyask revere the place where they believe this happened, a terrible, red-rocked maze of massive petrified bones and boulders, including a tall plateau that they call the Feasting Table.   Most gnolls are fanatically devoted to Yeenoghu, which has earned them the moniker “the Butcher’s Brood”. Some gnolls, often referred to as Iconoclasts by their kin, however, turn their back on the worship of Yeenoghu and suppress their most terrible appetites and desires. These gnolls must generally stay on the outskirts of Kyask, hunting food and scavenging what they can. Woe betide the young gnoll who shows compassion or mercy, however. These acts are blasphemy to the worship of the Ruler of Ruin, and such gnolls must flee into exile or be torn apart.   Despite this hostile environment, increasing numbers of gnolls are breaking away from Yeenoghu's rule. Although it's hard for Humans and other species to overlook centuries of gnoll depredations, some are willing to give those who seek it a chance to prove themselves.


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