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Kenku, also known as crow-folk or raven-folk, are a race of humanoid avians originally found in Dojhan. They are notoriously reviled as thieves and scoundrels. According to legend, they offended some God in ancient times, and that god retaliated by stealing their voices. Although the legends vary, the most common version holds that it was Lylaria the Wordbender who took their voices. Whatever the truth, kenku have no language of their own, but they are masters of mimicry.   Standing shorter than Human-kind, kenku are very recognizable and find it difficult to blend into society. Some might claim that it’s their natural proclivities that force them into the underworld of various cities, but others might say that it’s the prejudices of those around them that force their hands. Their Dojhani origins are largely forgotten, and, instead, they have primarily found their place in bustling metropolises that allow them to remain and ply a trade. They are more commonly found in Velnar and Keshwan than in Aldorath or other more western lands.


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