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Kervantia Argenvold

Kervantia Argenvold is the youngest member of the silver Dragonborn family Argenvold. She is a retired Ranger who fought against many Minotaur raiders from Minostal in her youth, but these days she is the proprietor of the Banneret's Honor, a Tavern and Inn in Lashakis.
  She has a small army of young dragonborn who work for her, and they are sent by their families to have Kervantia teach them in ways of honor and duty.
  Because of her family’s history, she has arranged an exclusive contract to offer the blue wine called Silver's Best. She also takes pride in the quality of the food, drink, and rooms that her establishment provides.
  Like most dragonborn, she keenly feels the loss of Azmartheon, despite The Rending happening many centuries before her birth. She honors the dead by keeping the banners of many fallen Dragonborn houses in her tavern, and she makes sure a glass of most bottles of wine is poured out for “the honored Lost”.


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