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The Laughing Six

The Laughing Six are the Gods worshiped by the Halflings of Dalenshire. They inhabit the Astral domain of Fiddler's Green. The Dalenshiri enjoy a less formal and more friendly relationship with their deities, addressing them as Granpere, Gaffer, Grammere or Granner in their prayers. To hear the halflings talk, their gods are always amongst them. The Six are:  
  • Aribelle o’ th’ Rainbow – Goddess of Joy and Unexpected Beauty
  • Jemary o ‘th’ Cloak – God of Trickery and Self-Reliance
  • Kildin o’ th’ River – God of Travel and Love of Adventure
  • Mirielle o’ th’ Horn – Goddess of Bounty and Family Love
  • Remick o’ th’ Blade – God of Protection and Courage
  • Tilina o’ th’ Star – Goddess of Luck and Mysterious Happenings

Articles under The Laughing Six


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