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Dalenshire Overview

  Dalenshire (pronounced dawn-SHEER) is the Kingdom of the Halflings, created when the Seven Kingdoms were founded. It’s situated southeast of the forest of Neldorin and due east of Tavanion. It once comprised the southeastern coastline of Aldorath, but, following the Second Witching War, the halflings retreated north and west into swamps and bayous that were previously considered uninhabitable to avoid the Orcish Hordes. The halflings have thrived in their new environment, becoming a race of boatsmen and marsh-dwellers. The nature of their traveling culture means that they have no capital. Each clan is ruled by a Granpere or Grammere (Grandfather or Grandmother, sometimes quite literally.) At times, they meet in large gatherings called Boucheries, and multi-clan Granperes or Grammeres can be chosen. When necessary, the Granperes and Granmeres elect a Haute Granpere to speak on behalf of the whole country. Their flag depicts a brown otter on a gold field.
  Dalenshire trades dyes to Tavanion for honey. They trade pepper to Gristamere for glass, and they trade corn to Faerinwold for leather.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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