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In the battle against the forces of the Primordials, the Gods relied on mortal warriors as a principle part of their armies. These warriors, imbued with holy power from the Gods, continue their duties to this day as healers and protectors. They are known as Paladins.
  Paladins are warrior-exemplars, often wielding the power of the Gods. Each God might have an order of paladin knights sworn to service, but each paladin strives to uphold the tenets and faith of their gods. Even evil gods might have paladins in their service, but these paladins are far less honorable and goodly than those paladins who serve the gods of good. Even more rarely, a warrior may zealously follow an ideal or cause and manifest the powers of a paladin in that fashion.
  All peoples who have a strong relationship with the Gods and religion are likely to field paladins. They are rarer among people who revere the primal forces, such as the Elves, Goliaths, and the Aeotaens.


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