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The Aotaens are a race of Humans who inhabit Kaoru, the numerous islands to the northeast of Golognoth. Centuries of battle with the Orcs of Turkhast and the Gnolls of Kyask have made them a warrior people, rivaling their monstrous enemies in ferocity when roused to anger.   Because they inhabit so many islands, that their culture is exceedingly tied to the sea. They are master boatwrights and sailors, and they favor weapons such as spears, tridents, nets, and short warclubs. Their war canoes bear a superficial resemblance to the longboats of the Hastane, but they tend to have their own design plans. They work a great deal in obsidian, wood, and woven reed.   They do not generally revere the Gods worshiped by other humans. Instead, they venerate the Primal Spirits, feeling a stronger connection to them. They have developed close friendships with the Tortles that live in the regions, trading and exchanging tales and knowledge.


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