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Wraith (earlier known as both Ghost and Fish) is a Shifter boy of about 12 years of age from Ghost's village of Three Rivers. Like Ghost, he’s light-skinned with the pattern of the Snow Leopard clan, and he’s a survivor of the Goblinoid attack that destroyed their village. He was found by Ghost in the city of Idyllrise in the Feywild, where he’d ended up after accidentally passing through a magical portal in a river while escaping from the goblin attack. Back in the village, Fish and Ghost had been the same age, but because time passes differently there, only two years had passed for him while ten had passed for Ghost.   When Ghost first encountered Fish, he was a street thief who, along with two younger shifters he’d taken under his wing – Twixt and Tween- made the mistake of taking Ghost for an easy mark and stole something from her. When she finally caught up with them, Ghost finally recognized Fish (who in a quirk of fate was calling himself Ghost at the time) as a boy she’d known back in her village. She decided to take all three children with her, sending them the longer but much safer way back into her own realm. After initially having them stay at the Old Manse, she arranged for them to be taken on by her Elven mentors/foster-family, Arun Longstrider, Jariel Bladestorm and Vondyr Spirittongue, to be taught the ways of the Ranger world as she was. Later, he took the name Wraith for himself, liking it better than the diminutive name Ghost foisted on him.   Wraith is impulsive, rarely thinking about the consequences of his actions. He’s also headstrong as hell and would argue with a fence post, especially if it avoided admitting he was wrong. On the plus side he’s tenacious, fiercely loyal and protective of Twixt and Tween. Wraith and Ghost have a fractious relationship, where Wraith seems to fight her over every little thing. Ironically, Ghost thinks this is because they are so different.


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