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Ghost was originally named Squirrel and was an aggressive, inquisitive Shifter girl from the village of Three Rivers, in the Everfrost Mountains. Her tribe always venerated The Totem Snow Leopard, and they lived a humble and peaceful life. She was the daughter of River and Heyla, and the younger sister of Asha. When her village was attacked by the Barghest Brekhu and his Goblinoid cronies, her people were all but wiped out, her mother slain, her sister enslaved, and she herself knocked out, falling into the rapids of the spring thaw swollen Silver Rush and carried downstream.
  She was found by the Elven Druid Vondyr Spirittongue, who took her to Arun Longstrider, the head of his hunting party (and secretly Lord Ranger of Faerinwold. Arun determined that they would raise the child in their ways, and he split her education between himself, Vondyr, and Jariel Bladestorm. During their frequent visits to the Summerlund town of Seowyn's Crossing, Ghost met Brom Furrow, Natharios, Kidalis Havengard, and Tristan Holdfast. Together, they nicknamed themselves the Fire Wasps, and, later, added Tilly Thistleshanks to their number.
  Brom Furrow lost his life to a goblin attack when they were young adults, furthering Ghost's hatred for the race. The group was later joined by the Shaper, who seemed to have some of Brom's memories. They had many adventures together, and Ghost formed a strong bond with Tilly, who she (somewhat) affectionately nicknamed Preystealer. Although she was very impulsive and headstrong, she was sometimes the purest and most straightforward of the group. Eventually, she was able to avenge her tribe by killing Brekhu and claiming the Frostfangs, her mother's pair of enchanted kukri. She continued to seek news of other Snow Leopard Shifters, eventually finding a trio of children from her tribe named Fish, Tween, and Twixt hidden in the Feywild. She also heard of a gladiator in Minostal called the White Cat. This turned out to be her sister Asha, sold by the goblins into slavery to the same Minotaurs that had killed Eustace's parents. She was eventually able to rescue her sister, and, after Eustace, now called Natharios, recovered the Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar, Asha was healed in mind and spirit. Her sister did not wish to return and rebuild Three Rivers, however, and Ghost returned alone but fulfilled.
  After the death of Kidalis, Ghost remained with the group for a time, meeting Rubicus Chillbrow and Naali Chamond, and she aided in the liberation of Sudwaine. Her responsibilities to her tribe weighed on her, however, and she eventually left the group to go rebuild her family. When she heard about the impending conflict with the Tarrasque, however, she could not be kept at home. She rejoined the Fire Wasps and fought at the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe , where she did tremendous damage to the ranks of the Gnoll warbands that had come from Kyask.


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