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City of Glory

Calimport, also known as the City of Glory, formerly known as the City of Slaves, is the sprawling capital city of the country of Calimshan. Until the foundation of Waterdeep , it was the largest settlement in all of Faerûn. It is the perfect example of a typical monarchy.
Baseline information in regards to Calimshan can be found here, although most of its history is different.  
Modifications to the actual lore include:   At the city's creation:  
  • Calimport is founded as a refuge from sorcery and the arcane arts, and built upon the riddle of the biggest dimeritium rock known to men —a peculiar white stone that seems to dampen magical energy. It is from that moment that the first royal family becomes seen as the leaders of a refuge for the common folks, far away from a land filled with magic.
  • Every building in Calimport is built from dimeritium.
  • A gigantic dimeritium statue of Calimport's first king, Jarvan Calim the First, is built.
  • Mages start being hunted and put in dimeritium collars, forced into slavery.
  •   First Century after the Great War:
  • Rulers of Calimport pass a down a greataxe from father to son since generations. This axe first starts as a symbol of strength and is used to win countless wars. Over time, it slowly becomes a reassuring symbol of peace, as no one dare challenge the rulers of Calimport. It was believed that one swing of the axe could tear a rift into the ground that could swallow armies whole. Many common folks believe that this is simply because all of Calimport's leaders inherited the strength of Gruumshto lead the people. Some scholars theorized that they may only have inherited his weapon.
  • Calimport becomes a massive and impressive city, thanks to the restless work of a rapidly growing number of slaves.
  •   201 after the Great War:
  • The First Revolt, led by the elven mage Sylas Stormforge, sees a large number of mages escape the clutches of Calimport and wage a short-lived war against the anti-magic government. The leader at the time, Jarvan the Third, falls during the battle, with his son, Jarvan the Fourth picking up his father's battle-axe and putting an end to the battle. This sent the remaining mages into hiding or exile, and the city went back to its old habits.
  •   1255 after the Great War:
  • Slavery is abolished, due to the growing pressure of nearby countries to ''modernize and adapt their practices''.
  •   1491 after the Great War:
  • Multiple coups were unsuccessfully planned against the Crown ever since the abolition of slavery. The mages and wizards of the world do not seem to have forgotten the crimes against the arcane perpetrated by the rulers of Calimshan during centuries.
  • In order to solidify diplomatic relations with the neighboring country of Tethyr, the ruler, King Justius Calim , offers the hand of his daughter Mary Elizabeth Rose Arabella to the son of Tethyr's king. The princess, unhappy with this arranged marriage, flees during her transportation to Tethyr and is now wanted. The reward offered by her father is set at 10 000 platinum pieces for her alive, half as much for her body.
  •   1492 after the Great War:
  • A band of adventurers named the Golden Company  has a warrant issued against it, after they reportedly beat up a group of off-duty guards in a bar named the Drunken Goat. The owner, a man named Vander, tries to bury the story, and was almost able to.
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