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Skalnaedyr, named for its dragon founder, is the largest city in Murghôm. The city grew rapidly from a village in the first century after the Great War and the city's architecture is a jumble of buildings and streets.
Baseline information in regards to Skalnaedyr can be found here.
Modifications to the actual lore include:     100 after the Great War:
  • The dragon Skalnaedyr, leader of the city, is slain by a group of adventurers. The city is left in a complicated political state following these events.
  •   101 after the Great War:
  • The bones of Skalnaedyr are placed against the city, and the city continually expands in the remains of the beast since then.
  •   1488 after the Great War:
  • During the War of the Eclipse, Pelor's armies force the city into surrendering their lands, which are considered magically potent.
  •   1492 after the Great War:
  • Rumors of Brass Dragons flying over the Eastern Mountains reach the city. This sparks hope within the common folks, which are mostly comprised of dragonborn.
  •   1493 after the Great War:
  • Information reaches the city that a small green dragon, a large blue dragon and a faerie dragon live in the Keep of the Eclipse, close to the city of Athkatla .
  •   1494 after the Great War:
  • The Sun Leaders are beguiled by a brass-dragon-rider calling himself Marko the Prophet, an ex-soldier with past ties to the Golden Company , into surrendering some of their powers and lands to the Dragon Cult. It turns out that the Prophet was able to provide proof of him witnessing the ascension of a God of the Eclipse. He has tales of him surviving an attack from Sehanine's pet, due to his faith into the Gods of the Eclipse. He says that he was saved for the purpose of him finding two of the last dragons of the material plane: The Brothers Raquyss and Quaryss. And that he was given the divine duty of bringing the dragons back, for they shall reign after the wars of man. He calls this the ''Awakening of Dragons''. Quaryss, an adult Bronze Dragon, now guards the city of Skalnaedyr, scouring the skies around the large capital. Quaryss was not seen in the last years.
  • Shortly after the arrival of Marko and his fellow cultists, a massive red dragon was seen flying over Skaelnedyr. A couple of people claim they saw it a few times, but this has yet to be proven.
  • A lot of fanatics and believers start leaving Djerad Thymar , wanting front-row seats for the return of the dragons. This provides Marko with a lot more influence, as the Cult grows exponentially rapidly.
  • The Golden Company , aided by Mordekainen, puts an end to Marko's life, as well as its dragons' in an impressive display of power. They also kill Elminster, one of the most powerful mages of Faerûn trapped by Marko in the form of an evil Great Wyrm. They rapidly bring him back to life before Mordekainen carries his old friend to safety. The attack on the city of Skalnaedyr was led by the Golden Company, who had brought battalions from Cathyr into combat with them through the use of a gate spell provided by Mordekainen. This attack was significant and led to many terrible losses on the side of the dragonborns. 
  • A couple of months after the aftermath, Beru from the Golden Company  comes back to establish diplomatic links with a lot of higher ranking officials, and has a summer home built on the grounds of Skalnaedyr. This alliance is seen as an act of treason against the dragonborn people by most of the common folks, as they see their leaders siding with one of the people responsible for their demise just a couple of months prior. This resentment grows rapidly within the city and leads to a dark era in the magical city and around Murghôm.

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