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City of Coin

Athkatla, also known as the City of Coin, is the oldest settlement and capital of the mercantile nation of Amn. It is one of the wealthiest countries in all of Faerûn, where nearly every aspect of life revolves around money and commerce. The concept of affluence is so well-connected with Athkatla that there are rumors in foreign lands that the city's streets are paved with gold, which is mostly untrue.
Baseline information in regards to Athkatla can be found here.
Modifications to the actual lore include:   965 after the Great War:
  • Year of the Uprising. The poor people from the River district rise up and seize power with the help of a large band of pirates led by Benedict Beaulieu. The Council of Five is taken over and 5 new families start governing Athkatla: the Beaulieu, the Dufour, the Letendre, the Rancourt and the Touchette. Their creed is ''Power to All''. This quickly loses its meaning as greed takes over the following generations, eventually leading Athkatla to the same state it was in before 965, but under different leaders.
  •   1492 after the Great War:
  • The Moon Queen, Liliana Vess, takes control of Athkatla's keep with the help of the Order of the Mercantile Houses. She quickly makes a claim to the throne and is given full command of Athkatla. Rumors have it that the Moon Queen can summon powerful "Champions" that will fight in the name of the Moon. This simple rumor spreads rapidly across the western coasts of Faerûn, leading to a vast change of allegiances to the Moon Goddess Sehanine.
  • Later that year, a group of adventurers previously unknown to the world infiltrates the keep and vanquishes the Moon Queen. After doing so, the party arranges for the coffers of the castle to be spread among the less fortunate. The group also claims, during a passionate speech from atop their newly obtained keep, that Athkatla shall no longer be a playground for unfair rulers, instituting a democracy that would allow everyone to have a word as to who would lead them. This speech, the first of many, was also the first public mention of this party's name: the Golden Company . To mark the end of dictatorships in Athkatla, the crown's coffers were distributed evenly to the poor people of Athkatla. This led to a short-lived economical crisis.
  • Birth of the Purple Haze in the streets of Athkatla.
  • Athkatla's first election leads to Magalaes Berger (previously Krosstouf, before her divorce) being elected as mayoress.
  • The Golden Company founds the Golden Company Orphanage, the biggest charity establishement on the West Coast. Unknown to most people, X, at the time still a member of the Golden Company, starts using the kids from the orphanage to move drugs, notably the growingly popular Purple Haze around the city.
  • Athkatla has its own skycoach crystal installed and paid for by the Golden Company. This is one of many of their benevolent gestures towards Athkatla, as their main protectors and benefactors.
  • The end of the year marks The Infamous Vengeance, an attack by the Rancourt Prodigies on the Golden Company's keep while said party is away. During the assault, countless servants perish, as well as one of the members of the Golden Company: Blasta the Artificer. The castle is heavily damaged and left to burn. Luckily, the citizens of Athkatla notice and rally to stop the flames from ravaging completely their guardians' home. THIS EVENT WAS UNDONE BY A WISH SPELL FROM THE GOLDEN COMPANY .
  • A new law pushed by Magalaes Berger passes, in which the use of magic is no longer prohibited for anyone without a permit.
  •   1493 after the Great War:
  • The construction of Athkatla's flight crystal is completed. The wave of tourism that followed this construction largely helped Athkatla get over its economical crisis.
  • The Golden Company Orphanage changes name to the House of Unfortunate Souls. This charity stays under the sole name of X, and marks the end of all ties between X and his former party, the Golden Company . The kids from the establishment are, as only some people know, still being used as mules to move Purple Haze around the city.
  • Founded by the Golden Company , a new urban theater called The Old Fisherman close to the port. This establishment offers free performances and runs mostly on donations. On the Opening Night of The Old Fisherman, Vittorio Marotta, Dirk Von Diamond 's right hand, stops the show with his party, menacing to blow up the city just after shooting Zephyra ''Typhoon'' Yin, the lead singer of the performing band Bar-To-Go. The Golden Company , helped by the citizens of Athkatla, eventually neutralizes the menace.
  •   1494 after the Great War:
  • Professor Erlenmeyer Brisé is killed in his home by the Golden Company, after his identity as a vampire was found by them. They had also discovered that he would oversee the creation of undeads from the bodies of Feywild creatures.
  • A pit fiend named Vodorak, father of Beru from the Golden Company is seen in the city. After the initial panic, people start noticing that he is actually a very good individual, unlike its kin. He gets progressively and progressively more involved within the activities of the city, eventually becoming one of its council member by the end of the year.
  • A foul-mouth dwarf named Fuckjab opens ''The Rockshop'' in the river district.
  • A couple from Arabel comprised of Tim (an affable halfling) and his wife Horton (a hot-tempered orc) leaves their failing family business (given to Horton by her now-deceased father), the Murdered Manticore Inn, to establish themselves in Athaktla. They open a very popular pastry shop called ''Tim and Horton's''. Horton still goes back to Arabel every fall to reopen her restaurant stricly for Hallow's End- and the days leading up to it, since it was the only moment of the year where it was thriving anyway.
  • The orphanage that was under X's leadership becomes an inhospitable place, dangerous for children to live in. The Golden Company buys it back and calls it the ''House of Life'', in honor of Melora (and secretly in honor of the Tree of Life located between Eclipse Castle. Most of the children there are healing warlocks under the patronage of Ilanor, renowned spellcaster of the Golden Company.
  • The growingly popular party of all-female adventurers called ''Providence'' is offered a building that they use as living space and center of their operations.
  •   1495 after the Great War:
  • A fire erupts in the House of Life. After an heroic rescue performed by the Golden Company , it is discovered that the fire was criminal in origin, and a short investigation reveals that the hit came from Geldaneth , most likely contracted from Dirk Von Diamond .
  • The mayor Magales Berger is reelected after her only opposing party, her former husband Kirstoff Krosstouf (brought back to life by traditionalists that wanted Magales off the council) mysteriously disappears.
  • Rumors spread that Ailmar Omatoris, one of the city's head investigators, has a ''white powder problem'' that, mixed with his hatred of the Golden Company, is starting to make an explosive mix.
  • During the public wedding reception held for Paxsana and Barabash, Paxsana is abducted, through the means of a Gate spell. It is later revealed that the deed was done by Vittorio Mariotta, who held her captive for ransom (in exchange of the legendary artifact called the Pelor Shield) in the volcano of Arnrock, The . The Golden Company retrieves her swiftly, disposing of the group of individuals. Vittorio is promptly resurected by one of its clerics.
  • Type
    Large city


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