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Whale's Flukes

Death Islands

The Whale's Flukes, also know as Death Islands, is a dangerous area where even the most experienced of sailors eventually crash their beloved ships. Its isles are shrouded in a large mist of mysteries, as its ancient abandoned cities do not seem to have been reclaimed by nature. No one is believed to have ever escaped the cold grasp of the Whale's Flukes.   
  1493 after the Great War:  
  • A band of adventurers called the Golden Company  discovers the reason of the islands' murderous reputation. The lands were protected by two massive elementals: a leviathan and an elder tempest. Both creatures showed an unwavering will to defend the isles from intrusion, but were ultimately slain by the group.  It is later revealed that those creatures were summoned by cultists from the Raven Queen, in order to protect their domain.  One of the islands of the Whale's Fluke was, in fact, mostly inhabited by members of this cult.
  • The Golden Company slays a branch of the cult, discovering that they had planned to destroy the ancient artefact known as the ''Pelor Shield'' to power one of their many ancient rituals. The temple where this massacre occurs also apparently houses one of the portals leading into the Shadowfell, one of the echo planes of the material plane. The Golden Company, before leaving, inadvertantly leaves the soul of an ancient lich that was temporarily housed in Karuto, the healing alchemist of the group.  This soul takes residence in the darm-magic-imbued body of the former leader of this branch of the cult. 
  •   1494 after the Great War:   
  • Reports from villagers of Hook come in Athkatla , as a handful of fishermen came back from the Whale's Flukes. It is reported that the whole region drives people into madness, pushing one to kill itself before even reaching close to the isles. The survivors had barely enough will to turn one of the last boats around. The lich clearly now has a massive influence over this region, known during this time period as ''The Shadow Isles''.

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