Sammaster Daepetos Character in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Sammaster Daepetos

Master Sammaster Daepetos (a.k.a. Arther Delarosa)


  • After their daughter died at the hands of Underdark [Drow assassins, Sammaster became twisted and fueled by anger and hate.
  • Knowing alone he could not get the revenge he deserved, he began amassing followers.
  • Eshenesra Daepetos left him because of this obsession with power as she finally realized the man who had led their kin into the light at her side, was no longer there.
  • Began searching for power, growing a collection of items of great strength, he eventually began down the path of immortality.
  • Became a Warlock of Garyx and used this connection to infiltrate the Cult of the Dragon.
  • Murdered the leader at the time (the real Arther Delarosa) and assumed his identity.
  • anyone who questioned the validity of this ruse, was executed and their souls bound to items as he honed the practice to lychdom.
  • Eventually reaches Garyx in the Abyss
  • When Garyx refuses Sammaster the power he desires, he goes elsewhere
  • Makes a pact with ORCUS
  • Vows vengeance on Garyx

War of Burning Fields

  Leader of the Crimson Corps on the battlefield during the War Of Burning Fields.   Arther Delarosa is legendary within the Crimson Corps. He is the one who communes directly with Garyx across the planes of existance and is the only one who has ever left the prime material plane. His magic is immense. He rose through the ranks of the Crimson Corps from the very bottom to the very top. he really hates not knowing things or being in the loop so he's all up in everyone's business all the time even tho he's so high up and Carries a large staff adorned with flames everywhere he goes   Delarosa wears fine silky robes. He is tall and slender, but you know him to be stronger than his frame would imply. he raises a hand indicating for you stop. The sleeve of his robe falls revealing his dark graphite grey skin. A hood covers his head and shadows obscure his face. a long braid of silvery hair drapes across his should and comes about halfway down his torso.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Carries a large staff adorned with flames everywhere he goes Wears a mask whenever in public

Mental characteristics


Rose through the ranks of the Crimson Corps from the very bottom to the very top.

Failures & Embarrassments

Defeat at Battle of Greenfields

Personality Characteristics


Rebuild the world from the ashes of Garyx's flames.


Her/Your Majesty Eshenesra Daepetos

Wife (estranged) (Vital)

Towards Sammaster Daepetos



Sammaster Daepetos

Husband (estranged) (Vital)

Towards Her/Your Majesty Eshenesra Daepetos




  • Met in Drow city in Underdark
  • Sammaster and Eshenesra lead their group

Stark White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Graphite Grey
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