War Of Burning Fields Military Conflict in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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War Of Burning Fields

Followers of Garyx began forming an army to crusade in the name of the dragon lord around the year 1390 DR. Over the next decade they gained power and grew in size from a collection of small bands roaming the countryside and Dragon Coast burning small crops and taking small homesteads hostage.  

1400 DR

Official formation of the Crimson Corps Crimson Corps.

The Conflict


One army (approx 7,000) traveling by land from the Dragonmere to the Sea of Swords.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1400 DR
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Crimson Corps was defeated at the Battle of Greenest.


The Crimson Corps

Led by


12,000 fighters


Total army wiped out at The Battle of The Greenfields.


Cleanse the world of the impure in preparation for the return of Garyx.


  • War of Burning Fields Region

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