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Melvaunt (pronounced: /ˈmɛlvɒnt/ MELL-vont), also known as the City of Swords, was a frontier city that sat on the northern coast of the Moonsea, in the Moonsea North region of north Faerûn. Under a cover of billowing smelting smoke, protected behind high walls, it was a city of smithing and mercantile services, as well as factories serving as the port of entry to many travelers coming to the region. It was the largest of the cities along the Northern Shore of the Moonsea. This depressing town, with its cobbled streets and slate-roofed stone houses, is crowded, noisy, smelly, and utterly lacking in vegetation. Melvaunt is nevertheless a prominent player in the Moonsea's political landscape. The city specializes in weapons, armor, and other metal implements. Melvaunt boasts more skilled metalsmiths than in any other city of comparable size. Though a major industrial power, Melvaunt is also known for its small but highly efficient navy. Whether for trade or defense, the Melvaunt vessels fulfill their role admirably.   --


85% Humans (43%mDamaran, 39% Chondathan, 10% Zhent, 3%Rashemi, 1% Turami, Nar, Mulan and Illuskan) 4% Dwarves (99% Shield Dwarves - 90% with clan ties to the clans of the lost nation of Sarphil, .9% Hill Dwarves) 4% Gnomes (99.9% Rock Gnomes) 3% Halflings (72% Lightfoot Halflings, 27.5% Stout Halflings) 3% mixed orc and human lineage (68% with gray orc lineage) 2% mixed elf and human lineage (61% with wood elf lineage, 38% with moon elf) .9% Elves (99.5% Moon elf lineage)   The city also took root as refuge for the human populations that once lived in the orc, goblin and ogre populated moors of Thar. As such, tension between the city and the region immediately to its north remain tense. While ogres, orcs, half-kins of both and goblin can be found in the city, they are look at with some suspicion, at best. At worst, they are either regarded as escaped “property” or a raiders to be dealt with violently. With that being said, because of it location to Thar, there are communities of orcs, half-orcs, half-ogres and goblins who have families that have lived in the city for many generations. Religion In the past century, check on Waukeen’s return, even with the general decline in worship of the gods, given their relative silence, devoution to Waukeen has grown. It is probably second to only to only the worship of Gond in prominence among the city. While still housing temples to Try and Lovitar in the city, their worship among Melvaunt’s citizen have eroded over that time. The fact the temples remain owe mainly to the fact of most of Melvaunt’s citizen’s laze-faire attitude of “it doesn’t get in the way of making money, it doesn’t matter.” The clerics of Tyr have struggled with this and have mostly moved on to other locations, usually ones more devout and aligned with those of the Triad. Attitude “Since the Moonsea is a harsh place, the people themselves have become harsh in order to survive. Suspicion, greed, brutality, and political treachery have become the meat and drink of the region's inhabitants.”   “"Mooneye" is a derogatory name given by outsiders to the unfortunates who inhabit this area.”   “In turn, "foreigners" are viewed with a mixture of dour suspicion and wonderment (mainly about how to best make a profit from them). To the Mooneyes, adventurers mean further disruption of an already chaotic life. If they can make a few gold coins off the newcomers, then fine. But on the whole, most citizens would much rather be left alone.”   Also, nearby Damarans and Dwarves from nearby Shield Dwarf clans are often surprised when they come to reside in the city that the sense of strong communal ties and mutual help that formed the center of identity in their cultures is somewhat lacking in their kin who have resided in the city for a generation or two. ---- With it roots as a metal/mining prospecting town, the sense of self-independence and lack of a need for law enforcement has influenced the philosophy of the denizens of the city to this day. The mythos of the “self-made person” is the strongest of its belief, despite the entrenched access to money and wealth that has taken route over the years that make it more of a myth than a reality.   The “liberal” attitude of the city still draws those seeking the promise of opportunity and a better life through hard work and wits. Many are often disappointed to find that is hard to do so because of the competitive nature of most citizens make hard work and wits a necessity to survive rather than a means to a better life. But the “promise” and the apparent avenue to wealth and status ostensibly not dependent on land or noble title keeps people from questioning this too much. ----     "“Therefore, within this lively, fruitful and sophisticated debate, cosmopolitanism has progressively come to indicate trans-nationality and overlapping identities – which are admittedly essential ideas to grasp the reality of [Moonsea] empires.” "...modest territorial dominium and an urban centre of narrow streets and crowded neighborhoods surrounding a bustling port. In this environment (where human action and political ideas were profoundly interwoven), trade and accumulation of capital became socially acceptable, as nobles, merchants and sailors were involved side by side in an array of economic activities. At the same time, underneath its notoriously violent and apparently anarchical political and social life, [Moonsea] preserved for centuries a precise, though relatively unsung civic philosophy.”- adapted from the History of the Republic of Genoa, University of Liverpool


Government is administered by the Council of Lords, made up of Melvaunt's wealthiest merchants. A new member joins the Council by either replacing an old lord or creating a new seat, which costs 2,000,000 gp. Once a seat is created, it is never removed. The seats of members who die are filled by a vote from the other lords. All candidates must be merchants and must have demonstrated loyalty to Melvaunt in the following ways: • They must not be known to have caused the death of any Lord of Melvaunt. • They must not be known to have engaged in an alliance with any of Melvaunt's enemies, especially Zhentil Keep or Mulmaster. • They must show their support for the Council by a cash gift of no less than 100,000 gp or the equivalent in trade bars. Currently, the xx seats on the Council are filled with x Leiyraghons, x Nanthers, and x Bruils. The titular ruler of the Council is Lord Envoy.. The Lord Chancellor, who acts as chairman and treasurer of the Council,... The Lord of the Keys is responsible for the armed forces, police, and defense. The Lord of the Waves, who is responsible for Melvaunt's navy... Those four Lords hold the true power in the city, since all other Lords are busy merchants who are preoccupied with their own careers and wealth. Three rotating guild leaders (currently the Armor- ers’ Guild Master, the Weavers’ Guild Master, and the Smiths’ Guild Master) The Council meets monthly and governs with a light touch. The group is reluctant to intervene in the personal and business affairs of most of its members.   Laws are only enforced “when they need to be” ie when an action goes against the wishes or interest of a powerful noble or becomes too public point of local conversation.


Melvaunt maintains a standing army of 5,000 men-at-arms (plate armor, halberds, clubs, long swords). These soldiers are responsible for maintaining all aspects of the city's security. This enormous job includes patrolling all land a day's ride from the city, guarding the city gates and public buildings, acting as bodyguards for the Lords, and maintaining general law and order. The current general of the army is xxx,. It should be noted that his "Lord" title has nothing to do with the Council; it is merely an honorific show of respect. Melvaunt's navy consists of twelve ships: two small, fast coastboats, one old, large heavy warship (the Thunderer), two middle-aged, smaller cruisers (the Dawn Warrior and the Dusk Smasher), and seven newly built, fast ravens. Another four ravens under construction in the dockyards. Inspection parties board vessels at any time of the day or night, regardless of weather conditions. Most boarding parties are made up of six men-at-arms, two officials, and a low-level mage. The groups are equipped with flame-producing magical items, which are used to torch vessels that refuse to cooperate.

Industry & Trade

WHAT IS THE CITY’S PRIMARY FUNCTION? Place of manufacture and trade exploiting the rich materials from the surrounding mountain ranges and fashioning them into weapons, armor and other metal items. The goods produced in the city have a good reputation. It also has grown as a center for shipbuilding in the Moonsea. Recently, it has also been a place of mercenary and naval hiring as well as banking.   Raw ore is brought into the city and smelted for use in the many blacksmith workshops the city is known for. It is very rare that metal ore is exported beyond the city as the economy makes more profit off the products of the ore than the ore itself. Uncut gems and precious stones are exported regularly however. Wool is the one fabric that can be homegrown though the moors of Thar make this dangerous even for the most undaunted homesteaders. Dairy and cheeses are avaiable with the same risks. The one benefit of the moors is the ample grass for livestock. Herders make themselves familiar with the use of the shortbow or crossbow. Herding dogs are prized for their ability to rustle up a herd to quickly run when raiders are spotted. None dare to have permanent grazing homesteads. Most are force to stable in the city walls at night along the Northern Gate. Agriculture is in high demand as an import becuase the surrounding countryside lacks an adequate amount of arable land to support a population this size. Barley is available in some supply locally as well as beets, turnips, carrots, kale, spinach and radishes. Seafood is in high supply, though the fishermen need to go out further than usual to get reliable catches due to the polluting runoff of the city's workshops. Lumber also has to be imported to support the thriving ship building business. There is not many areas of forest land near the city and some of the forest in closest proximity to the city are restricted by fey or elves from being used for lumber.   Trade Melvaunt is a merchant's city through and through. The city's main industries are smelting ore and exporting all manner of metal items. Caravan traffic is constantly entering and leaving, and ships with bulging holds line up to unload their cargo. "If it's not in Melvaunt, you don't need it" is a common phrase, and it is no exaggeration. Unfortunately, this also includes slaves. Melvaunt is known for its thriving and lucrative slave trade. Flesh-traders journey from the farthest reaches of the Moonsea to buy and sell. A number of businesses have prospered by shipping captives south to the Pirate Isles and the Old Empires. The slave trade is an evil that, for the most part, is ignored by the citizenry. It is rumored that very powerful wizards control some aspects of the trade, and because of this, few are brave enough to dig very deeply into the situation. The Council of Lords and the standing army turn a blind eye to this business, as long as the city's people aren't enslaved and a healthy portion of the profits finds its way into proper hands. Melvaunt is filled with alehouses, inns, and taverns, most of which provide satisfactory service. Although the city itself is dirty and inhospitable, the inns and taverns are usually clean and relatively safe—no surprise, really, since much of the city’s business is handled within their comfortable walls. In the center of Melvaunt is a large, open market. During late spring and summer, the Market is crammed with food vendors' stalls and merchant areas where all manner of goods can be had for very decent prices. During the late fall and winter months, the Market is used as a horse-trading facility, a caravan assembly area, and a packing and loading zone. Taxes, Taxes, Taxes! The city of Melvaunt makes a small fortune in taxes levied against citizens and visitors alike. Every transaction in Melvaunt, no matter how large or small, includes a 1 cp trade tax collected by the vendor and paid nightly to the Treasury Hall. Every wagon, sledge, or other means of land-based transport (including pack animals) is subject to a 1 cp gate tax. This is collected by the gate guards and taken to the Treasury by a 16-man guard escort at the end of each eight-hour shift. Ships sailing into Melvaunt harbor are levied a 1 gp dock tax. This pays for the ship's docking space and any temporary warehouse space it requires, and ensures freedom from "sick wait" (quarantine). Quarantine is ordered if the money is not immediately paid to the ship inspection party, which boards each ship as it enters the harbor. Ships that winter in Melvaunt must pay a 5 gp wintering tax for each month they remain in the city harbor. Melvaunt's ships are exempt from both dock and wintering taxes.   Mercenaries The city makes quite a bit of additional money by bconfiscating the property of those who are expelled, executed, or accused as traitors in absentia. Corps of mercenary crossbowmen have been developed to rival the Red Plumes of Hilsfar, though the corps does not generally display their colors in both the interest of the hire and not to suggest an allegiance between the city and their hire. However, they have played an impactful role in the disputes of the Moonsea over at least the past half-century   Privateers Privateers can be found more in the city than others do to this liberalism. While they cannot openly announce themselves as in other municipalities and nations, there still has to be the pretense of lawful activity, privateers know that among the city states that line the Moonsea, Melvaunt is where one is most likely to find a commission. These commissions not only come from Melvaunt’s merchants but other political entities who are looking to take less “announced” actions. Of course, all of these contracts are done in secret, but the city charter has been amended to allow such contracts to be drafted, legally binding while at the same time allowed to have some protections against being “discoverable”. The only way such a contract can be known is if one of the parties brings it forward in accusation of the other breaching it. The city charter recognizes both parties to draft the complete secrecy. The only time such a contract may be frowned upon or possibly not recognized is if it comes out that it was for an action that targeted the city’s economic activities. --- “[Melvaunt] was continuing to pursue its apparently disordered but indeed winning strategy of business diversification and geographical dispersion. In the context of a private, relatively unhampered market expansion,10 new directions of trade and investments depended virtually entirely on the [Moonsea] entrepreneurs’ economic calculation, a fact that contributes to explain the [Melvaunt] network’s adaptability, geographical fluidity and longevity.” - adapted from the History of the Republic of Genoa, University of Liverpool   Due to the lack of lumber in surrounding lands, the Council of Lords (Particularly the Leiryghons) number one priority is either setting up colonies in the areas of the Moonsea to secure this or place top prioirty in securing lumber through trade. Shipbuilding is the second highest income generator to the city. The next priority for the Council is securing trade for food since the immediate area surrounding the city is less than arable. The pollution coming from its chimney's doubles the dearth of crops from the surrounding lands.


City walls, docks, shipyards, Finger of the Gods (Lighthouse) Marketplace, navy, crossbow mercanaries, Asberyth and the buildings of the government district,   The old city center should feature smelters and blacksmiths and be controlled by those guilds. Inns should be on the outskirts as guild members want these areas tightly controlled.


The Docks Market District The Lashes The Festival Council District Eastern Bulwarks The Ovens The Northern Gate and Smelters' District Western Bulwarks


“The city specializes in weapons, armor, and other metal implements. Melvaunt boasts more skilled metalsmiths than in any other city of comparable size. Melvaunt's population of almost 40,000 souls also includes about 10,000 merchants, miners, and seafarers."

Guilds and Factions

The Three Families Each of the three clans seeks to rule the city and control its trade and industry. The first and foremost family is the Leiyraghons, followed by the Bruils. The last, and weakest, is the Nanthers. (The Nathers fell to the bottom of this list in 1373 DR with the death of the highly respected Lord Dundeld Nather; The Leiyraghons took prominence among the three houses.)   [While all three families contribute equally to the uneasiness of Melvaunt's political scene, it is the Nanther clan that has begun to emerge as the driving force in the city. The Nanther family boasts of a weak claim to the rulership of Shadowdale. But the joke is that when one of their young lords (supported by mercenaries and armies of Zhentil Keep) attempted to make good his claim, he was soundly defeated. That particular branch of the family was banished from Melvaunt, and the young lord was put to death for daring to consort with Zhentil Keep.] Small skirmishes between family factions are commonplace, and usually no one interferes with them. Melvaunt has also been fighting off the forces of Zhentil Keep ever since the Zhentarim took over the Citadel of the Raven. Melvaunt, unfortunately, had been the easternmost prize of Zhentilar expansion before Zhentil Keep fell into decline. It is in fact Zhentil Keep which, inadvertently, keeps the three families in line. The families hate Zhentil Keep far more than they hate each other, and this hatred forces them to deal with one another in an uneasy alliance against the Zhentish forces in Melvaunt. Their preoccupation with the Zhentilar keeps them out of city business, thus making Melvaunt strong, prosperous, and better able to defend itself from the Keep's incursions. However, some wonder if the recent destruction of Zhentil Keep will put an end to this alliance of hate. With the major thorn no longer in their sides, the suspicion is that these noble families may fall upon each other with renewed violence. If this happens, many fear that Melvaunt will quickly destroy itself from within. Hillsfar and Mulmaster will probably become the focus of Melvaunt’s rivalry while keeping an eye on the Zhents and the increased activity of the Warlock Knights of Vaasa. The Other Noble Families House Marsk The house oversees many of the city’s municipal improvements. The fact that the building contracts are almost all going to Marsk allies has limited the good will generated the House generates in the city. House Calaudra This moon half-elf house has grown steadily but never be more than a minor house. All Calaudra family members train in the Art. House Natali The largest of the minor houses. Harper Influence Generally, Harpers travel here but do not stay long. There is one resident Harper, however: Ulblyn Blackalbuck, a merchant-trader, who runs the Blackalbuck Sales & Swap Shop. Ulblyn maintains a low profile, and he will not reveal his identity to anyone except another Harper. Ulblyn abhors the Melvaunt slave trade and would very much like to see it shut down. He uses his position as a respected merchant to speak out against the cruelty of the slave market in order to inspire moral outrage. Many citizens share his feeling, but at present the trade is so ingrained in Melvaunt's economy that it seems impossible to stop it. Secretly, he leads small raiding parties to free slaves, whenever it can be done safely and without arousing too much suspicion. He's always looking for a few adventurers to help him out with his "evening chores," as he puts it. He is moving very cautiously these days, however. The local law has begun to watch Ulblyn closely, ever since a recent incident resulted in the disappearance of 20 slaves.


What is the City’s Age? At least 584 years. - Mature Community - Mostly unplanned, organic growth. City growth centered around its access to many mines and metal ores in the surrounding mountain ranges to its north. Also, as relatively safe harbor, it has grown as a mercantile trade center to distribute both that ore and the weapons, armor and other goods that is fashioned from said order. Its predominance in trade has lead to the establishment of private banks recently. The City Today With the city of Zhentil Keep in the slow process of recovery and rebuilding, its long time political threat is gone, leaving the city to finance and hire out much of its navy and military forces to the highest bidder or the side that would best open market for them.   The general philosophy of the town is trade is above all else. If you can make money from it, it is permissible. If it restricts or hinders a market, it is controlled or prohibited. Everyone is all about making money. Everything in name for protecting the free market.   Since the Leighyarons took prominence among the noble houses running the council, Melvaunt has been obstentiably quiet in prominence among Moonsea affairs. However, that is the further thing from the truth. While not being directly involved, the city’s money, weapons, navy and mercenaries have been hired to back many Influence (Melvaunt has design to increase its influence in long time ally in Phlan. With the death of Anivar Doran, and the heredity lineage of his Zhent ancestors now disrupted without an heir, Zhentil Keep’s influence in the city is at its lowest since Cvaal first declared himself its Lord Protector. Melavaunt, through its relationships between its trade guild and Phlan’s, is working secretly to fill some of that power vacuum.)   There is a desire, with Zhentil Keep being at its weakest in centuries, within Melvaunt to assume the role of influence that Zhentil Keep once did among the Moonsea North and the entire Moonsea region (and then hopefully beyond.) The open markets of the slave trade and the ports it enables them to is one of the major influence keeping the Warlock Knights of Vaasa from fueding with Melvaunt over it mining colonies in the Galena Mountains.   What Does the Future Hold? With Zhentil Keep a shattered ruin and its army scattered, Melvaunt's biggest concern lies with the North kingdom of Thar, under the control of the ogres. Adventurers may be hired to scout out the north.

Points of interest

Temples There are three large temples in Melvaunt. The Purple Portals is devoted to Gond the Wonderbringer. Its clergy has the unique responsibility of researching and developing new processing and packaging methods for merchants. They will sell their ideas to anyone (regardless of who gave them the commission) if the price is right. Since every invention that comes from the Purple Portals ultimately helps improve the quality of life for everyone, this temple is well-thought of by all. The Hall of Laughter is a temple of Lliira, goddess of revelry. The light, airy building has the distinction of being the newest place of worship in Melvaunt and the first one dedicated to Lliira in the whole of the Moonsea North area. The last of the three large temples is hardly a laughing matter. The Resting Place of the Whip, temple of Loviatar, is a labyrinthine complex of interconnected houses near the east docks. It is a dark, foreboding place, dimly lit and filled with the pungent odor of incense and the chilling tones of chants. Few are seen entering or leaving, but Loviatar has a large following here—if the offerings left at the temple are any indication of the townspeople's devotion. There are also shrines to Tempus, Tymora, and the quasi-power Sharess, the goddess of hedonism and lust. The Docks Melvaunt Docks. Piers and warehouses stretch the length of the dock area. This is the primary loading and unloading point of all sea traffic. Finger of the Gods. A 120' cast-iron lighthouse with a continual light spell on the lens guides ships safely into the harbor. Shipyards. All Melvaunt's Moonsea-going vessels are built and repaired here. This is also where Inspection headquarters is found, and every party that checks incoming vessels is based here. Thirty city soldiers are on guard duty here 24 hours a day. The Lashes The Resting Place of the Whip. The Temple of Loviatar, Mistress of Pain. It is presided over by a High Whipmistress and aided by 16 submissive priests. The Resting Place has few followers, but there is talk that it is allied with a Banite faction loyal to the High Imperceptor of Bane (who has no connections with Zhentil Keep). Festival District Leiyraghon Manor. A sprawling castle, this is the ancestral seat of the powerful Leiyraghon family. There are always 24 privately hired men-at-arms on guard here, alert for possible attacks from the other noble families. Occasionally the family opens the grounds to the public for local tourneys and other civic displays of their power. The Hall of Laughter. This is the temple of Lliira, Mistress of Joy. It was established by Shandar Lyrintar, formerly of the Hillsfar church. The Lady Joyworker, or the Laughing Lady, leads the church and is joined by seven other priests. Many of the city's most enjoyable parties happen here, and there is usually one every month or so. Council District Asberyth. This large, official-looking edifice holds all city government offices and the chambers for the Council's monthly sessions. There are always 24 city men-at-arms on guard. Western Bulwarks Nanther Keep This small castle-fortress houses the Nanther family. It is guarded by 20 private men-at-arms. The Keep has a beautiful garden of exotic flowers, some of which are supposedly used as spell components. Market District Center Market. This large area is the heart of Melvaunt. Busy year round, it is always patrolled by 20 men-at-arms. The Livestock Pen. A cruel joke of a name for the slave pens. There are always 12 city men-at-arms on duty here to make sure slaves don't escape and to protect the slave merchants from being robbed of their property. The watch can increase to 24 guards when there has been an escape of a large shipment of new slaves. The Crow's Nest The Crow’s Nest tavern has some of the best food and coziest cots in the city, if X says so himself. The Nest is popular with merchants and sailors, and is always a hotbed of rumor and speculation. The building appears very old; a few local scholars debate whether this round tower of stone and wood actually predates the founding of Melvaunt. The first two stories are seamless stone, 5 feet thick. The next three stories are made of newer wood and house meeting rooms and bedrooms of various sizes and luxuriousness. They are all available for rent (5 sp per night for a cheap bedroom, 5 gp per night for a modest bedroom, and 10 gp per night for a luxurious bedroom). The first floor holds a main dining room and taproom separated by the entryway “reception” room, where a bouncer welcomes guests. Behind yhem, down a hallway, is a flight of stairs to the upper stories and beyond that, an enormous kitchen. The second story houses longtime residents and special guests as well as a separate common room. Access to this floor is gained via a locked door (Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) DC 15) on the second floor landing. (Pluarty Crow (NG male human bard 6) is the latest in a long line of Crows to run the place. He has a mixed heritage and knows people in all social circles. He treats everyone equally, from the saltiest sailor to the best-dressed merchant-noble, and he tries not to embroil himself in Melvaunt’s cutthroat politics. He is willing to make introductions to nearly anyone in town if the PCs ask, but remains strictly neutral. His favorite pastime is telling scary pirate tales to children around bonfires behind The Nest.) The Breakwater. This multi-story inn is most favored by adventurers. The Breakwater has excellent seafood and the finest wines available. The rooms are large and comfortable, and the proprietors will make all arrangements for livery, laundry, and weapons and armor repairing services. Hermuk's Allgoods. This is Melvaunt's bestknown merchant establishment. It sells almost anything an adventurer would need, and more; it has also dealt heavily in the black market and is able to obtain all manner of exotic items. Blackalbuck's Sales and Swap Shop. This is a well-stocked store specializing in new and used goods. The Blackalbuck family that runs it are also willing to trade equipment for items or information of comparable value. The family is secretly the chief Harper contact in the city. The Ovens The Purple Portals. The temple of Gond the Wonderbringer attracts many technical-minded gnomes on pilgrimages. It is run by the High Artificer who oversees eight subordinate priests. The temple also houses an impressive laboratory and workshop facilities for the creation and modification of specialized machinery. The Northern Gate and Smelters' District Northern Gate The road through this gate leads to the ruins of the former town of Glister, five days away. The Eastern Bulwarks Bruilhaven. Ivy covers this brick mansion, which is the home of the Bruil clan. Its elegant lines and tastefully lavish furnishings belie the base attitudes of the family and their obsession for power. Bruilhaven is staffed with 20 men-at-arms at all times.


Pilgramage,especially gnomes to the Purple Portals


“Monuments to heroes and momentous events decorate public spaces.” “Cellars, twisting alleyways, parks, and ivy-covered estates remain even as the landscape shifts. Old, run-down parts of a mature city might experience gentrification. Walls from the earliest days of a city’s defense might become nothing more than monuments in the center of a great urban sprawl, landmarks of an older time. “

Natural Resources

Since there is not a lot of reliable sources of arable and farmable land around Melvuant, one of its vulnerabilities is that it relies heavily on the trade generated from the reputation of it metal working and shipbuilding to secure the food needed to sustain its populace. If that reputation was ever to decline, the city would probably go in decline and the noble’s would lose much of their influence over the citizens of the city.
Founding Date
Before 902 DR
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Swords
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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