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Battle of Tanglefork

The Battle of Tanglefork was the final battle in the War of the Returned Regent.   Outmatched by the force assembled before him, Nanathlor Greysword called upon aid from Mielikki, who awakened the trees surrounding the battlefield, thereby granting Nanathlor an army of treants. Pasuuk Rensha revealed his diabolic powers by summoning devilish allies.   However, the devils and Pasuuk's sorceries were overmatched by Nanathlor's forces and the treants. All the evil forces summoned that day were killed or or banished back to hell. The corpses of Pasuuk and his fiendish allies were burned and their ashes spilled on the ground, forever blackening the Tanglefork Woods with their evil. Nanathlor Greysword became the new High Lord of Loudwater and began work to restore the beauty of nature to the Delimbiyr Vale's strip mines.

The Conflict

The Engagement

Treants awakend from the local forest by Mielikki at the behest of Green Regent Nanathlor.   Devils summoned by Pasuuk Rensha.


The last of the Calshite influences of the Rensha family over Delimbyr Vale was overturned. Nanathlor Greysword becomes High Lord of Loudwater.


The evils done to the Delimbyr Vale by five generations of the Rensha family are slowly repaired, and the Vale slowly returned to a more balanced and natural wood- and farmland
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Victory for the rebels


Rebels of the Returned Regent

Led by

Calimshite mercenaries of the Rensha family

Led by


adventuring bands
Mercenaries, summoned devils




defeat Pasuuk and remove him from authority in Delimbyr Vale
Kill the Green Regent and his upstart rebels


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