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Pasuuk Rensha

Sultan Pasuuk Rensha

Pasuuk Rensha was the fifth Calimshite ruler of Loudwater in the Delimbiyr Vale in the late 13th and early 14th century DR, and the last of the Rensha family to reign there.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ibun Rensha led his family out of Calimshan at the head of a mercenary army to take over Loudwater and lay claim to most of Delimbiyr Vale in the Year of the Scourge, 1150 DR. The Renshas quickly moved to exploit the Delimbiyr Vale's rich, untapped natural resources for export. One of Ibun's first acts as Lord of Loudwater was to ban the ritual to select a new Green Regent every Shieldmeet, naturally seeing a protector of the landscape as a threat to his family's prosperity, and hunted down the incumbent Regent.   Five more generations of Renshas ruled over the region before[citation needed] Nanathlor Greysword, a Nimbrali mercenary working for the Renshas, became the Green Regent and rebelled against the rule of Pasuuk Rensha in the Year of Spilled Blood, 1315 DR. He fought to overthrow the Renshas and liberate Loudwater, launching the War of the Returned Regent. Finally, in the Year of the Wandering Wyrm, 1317 DR, Nanathlor defeated Pasuuk and the Renshas' forces at the battle of Tanglefork and became the ruler of Loudwater.   Although the Renshas were banned from Loudwater, the family survived in Calimshan and in 1373 DR, Sanaja Rensha aided a failed Zhentarim plot to conquer the city.
1259 DR 1317 DR 58 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in the Battle of Tanglefork, his corpse was burned with those of his fiendish allies, their ashes blackening forever the Tanglefork Woods with their evil.
Pale brown
Black, grey at the temples. Cropped short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, olive-toned
200 lbs


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