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Brazen Knight Inn

run by Sybil Clare, Female Half-Elf   Location On Manor Way, near the High Lord of Loudwater's manor. Its neighbors include Frederick's Gauntlet Blacksmith and an ornate traveler's shrine.   Description The inn is a grand timber and brick building, with a small walled yard and garden. It is fancifully decorated, and brightly lit by magical candles and crystal chandeliers. Accomodations consist of several large rooms with beds and feather mattresses.   Innkeeper The innkeeper is a slender half-elf female named Sybil Clare.   Menu
  1. Steamed Partridge and Curd Cheese, Glass of Mead (3 sp)
  2. Baked Phoenix and Poached Eggs, Glass of Whisky (3 sp)
  3. Steamed Dragon and Poached Eggs, Glass of Brandy (4 sp)
  4. Dried Eel and Chestnut Bread, Tankard of Mead (10 cp)
  5. Steamed Duck with Mace and Poached Eggs, Glass of Whisky (3 sp)
  6. Baked Capon with Nutmeg and Bitter Cheese, Glass of Whisky (1 sp)
  1. Thali: Female Dwarf Thief, Neutral. Thali has silver hair and dark gray eyes, and a thin nose. She wears leather armor and wields a dagger and sling. Thali seeks an opponent for a game of dice.
  2. Khimal: Male Dwarf Assassin, Good. Khimal is rough in appearance, with long gray hair and large blue eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a short sword and dagger. Khimal is talking quietly with a male dwarf beggar.
  3. Carumak: Male Elf Ranger, Good. Carumak has golden hair and brown eyes, and a distinctive mark on his neck. He wears chain mail and wields a warhammer. Carumak seeks only fame and glory.
  4. Duca: Female Elf Paladin, Good. Duca has matted silver hair and sharp amber eyes, and a distinctive mark on her neck. She wears plate mail and wields a long sword and shield. Duca is searching for the lost dwarven kingdom of Baragzir.
  5. Gauwalt: Male Human Druid, Neutral. Gauwalt is fair in appearance, with straight golden hair and amber eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a hammer. Gauwalt is quarreling with the town guard, who seem to be searching for someone.
  6. Verchi: Female Elf Assassin, Neutral. Verchi is tall, with braided blonde hair and light gray eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a poisoned dagger and sling. Verchi has a severe allergy to rabbits.
Goods Cost Weight
Gallon 2 sp 8 lb.
Mug 4 cp 1 lb.
Banquet (per person) 10 gp
Bread, per loaf 2 cp ½ lb.
Cheese, hunk of 1 sp ½ lb.
Inn stay (per day)
Good 2 gp
Common 5 sp
Poor 2 sp
Meals (per day)
Good 5 sp
Common 3 sp
Poor 1 sp
Meat, chunk of 3 sp ½ lb.
Common (pitcher) 2 sp 6 lb.
Fine (bottle) 10 gp 1½ lb.
Parent Location


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