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Loudwater is a city that sits on the confluence of the Delimbiyr and Greyflow rivers. It is a pleasant and thriving community home to humans, half-elves, and elves.


Humans 37% Half-elves 20% Elves 18% Halflings 7% Gnomes 7% Dwarves 5% Orcs 3% Half-orcs 3%


Ruled by the High Lord.   Four "Gauntlets" command the city's militia, and are entrusted with the protection the cities four "marches": east and west, north and south of the river. Each Gauntlet commands 80 men, divided into 4 patrols of 20. At any time, three patrols are riding the marches, and one is split between rest time and gaurding the city. This leaves 240 men in the marches, 40 policing the city, and 40 on leave.


Dry Moat Embankment North Gate South Gate

Industry & Trade

River trade from the west is off-loaded here and taken by foot anf hoof further north, east, or south. Skilled shipwrights, but specializing in river-craft and barges. Fish for szorp (a trout-like river fish). Farming. Mist cheese, an elven delicacy, aka Loudwater Mist or Ethereal Cheese, is a soft white cheese with a unique taste and succulent bite. Ripened in local caves, it is translucent if sliced thinly enough, hence its names. Fine hardwoods from both the Southwoods and the High Forest.


The River Delimbyr runs through the middle of the town.   Warehouses and docks on the north bank, downriver (west) of the rapids that give the settlement its name and the dwarven bridge build in 139 DR. The main boulevard runs north from the bridge, along the docks and warehouse, and continues north to the High Forest and elven settlements there, and west to Zelbross. The boulevard also leaves south from the bridge, leading to the Southwoods and Zhentish-controlled Llorkh to the east.


Guilds and Factions

Thieves' Guild Zhantarim agents trying to subvert Loudwater to their direct control. Harper agents trying to offset the Zhentarim.


Early History

The area was originally settled by Netherese human refugees fleeing the downfall of Netheril, sometime after its fall in the Year of Sundered Webs, −339 DR. Their communities were the progenitors of the city of Loudwater, as well as other cities of the North.   The area was once the site of a community of elves, part of the nation of Eaerlann. The great dwarf craftsman Iirikos Stoneshoulder and his team of dwarves from Ammarindar built an ornate bridge across the Delimbiyr River at this site for some elven friends in the Year of the Dwarf, 149 DR. These elves, who were members of two moon elf families who followed Labelas Enoreth, built a school of philosophy on the north bank of the river. Constructing homes around the school, which they named the Velti'Enorethal, the site grew into a small town. The population grew again when Earlanni sun elves applied to join the school.   Later on, further settlement of the Loudwater and Llorkh region, as well as Longsaddle, Secomber, Triboar, and others, was undertaken by human pioneers from Waterdeep after the establishment of the Lords of Waterdeep there in 1032 DR. These pioneers were sponsored by noble and mercantile Waterdhavian families.   The humans discovered the town and built their own houses, bringing human ideals to the expanding settlement. Though most of the humans lived separately from the elves on the south bank of the river, the growing human population upset the elven natives and in the Year of the Bloodrose, 1100 DR, desiring to escape, the elves began leaving their homes for Evereska.   Fifty years later, in the Year of the Scourge, 1150 DR, a family from Calimshan called the Renshas, led by Ibun Rensha, together with a mercenary army, conquered the Delimbiyr Vale, centering their power in Loudwater. Though they made Loudwater a much more prosperous town by exploiting the Vale's natural resources and expanding its limits, they despoiled much of the pristine beauty of the area and the amoral Renshas also committed several atrocities in pursuit of their magic.   The Renshas ruled for 165 years before a Nimbrali mercenary working for them named Nanathlor Greysword rebelled against the rule of Pasuuk Rensha in the Year of Spilled Blood, 1315 DR. Nanathlor was a noble of Nimbral who'd desired to establish a realm of his own in the North, and found one that needed him after receiving a message from the goddess Mielikki, who was angered at the Rensha's actions within the Vale, which she considered sacred. He became the Green Regent.   Modern History The two-year-long War of the Returned Regent freed the Vale from Rensha rule. Finally, in the Year of the Wandering Wyrm, 1317 DR, Nanathlor Greysword defeated Pasuuk and the Renshas' forces at the battle of Tanglefork and became the ruler of Loudwater.   In the month of Tarsakh of the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, on a number of separate occasions, the residents of farm holdings on the outer edges of Loudwater's domain heard eerie howling and later discovered corpses near their lands. These were identified as various wicked beings, including two drow and some fish-like humanoid, and all carried bite marks. Nanathlor was notified and he formally reported the news. A search of caves in the Delimbiyr valley showed sign of recent occupation, but no connection to underground. Later that year, in Eleasias, a mysterious healer of the High Wood called Radoc helped victims of an orc raid and escorted them to Loudwater. His odd appearance, taciturn nature, and purchase of supplies with crystals made him the subject of rumor before he departed.   Nanathlor ruled in relative peace for 52 years until Malarite lycanthropes attacked the city after a blood-red moon appeared in the sky over the Vale. Nanathlor himself was on his deathbed but the citizenry, led by a young man named Stedd Rein saved the town when Stedd opened his father's stock of silvered weapons. Kalahar Twohands, Gauntlet of the western marches, replaced Nanathlor, who didn't survive to see his city saved. Kalahar oversaw the most turbulent years in Loudwater's history since the war, including a mass migration of orcs, threats from a bandit army and their illithid allies, dragons and several attacks from the Zhentarim.


The valley formed by the Delimbyr, Greyflow, and Loagrann rivers, rich in farmlands and including the Southwood

Natural Resources

Hardwoods, farming, fish.


  • Loudwater
    The town of Loudwater, circa 1381 DR.
Founding Date
First settled in -339 DR by human refugees from Netheril
Re-settled by elves in 149 DR.
Counquered by Calishite mercenaries in 1150 DR.
"Offically" founded in 1317 DR with the defeat of the Calishites by the Great Regent Nanathlor Greysword.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Grottoes
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Professions
Past rulers:
  • 1150 DR - 1176 DR: Ibun Rensha, 1st Rensha lord of Loudwater
  • 1176 DR - 1203 DR: Misbah Rensha, 2nd Rensha lord of Loudwater
  • 1203 DR - 1228 DR: ??? Rensha, 3rd Rensha lord of Loudwater
  • 1228 DR - 1254 DR: ??? Rensha, 4th Rensha lord of Loudwater
  • 1254 DR - 1298 DR: Marzut Rensha, 5th Rensha lord of Loudwater
  • 1298 DR - 1317 DR: Pasuuk Rensha, 6th Rensha lord of Loudwater
  • 1317 DR - 1369 DR: Nanathlor Greysword
  • 1369 DR - present: Kalahar Twohands
Savage Frontier
The Savage Frontier is the region of northwest Faerûn north of the Delimbiyr River, excluding the Sword Coast North, the High Forest, and the Silver Marches (once the former nation of Luruar).   In contrast to the civilized cities found to the south and west, the Savage Frontier comprises rural farmsteads and rough settlements of miners and loggers.   It is a temperate land, with a rugged landscape that is rich with natural resources.


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