
Divine Goals & Aspirations

During Cœardia's research, he came into contact with the god Savras, something he had kept secret even beyond his grave. 

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cœardia is was an older Leonin, his fur and manes having taken on a shade of grey, throughout his original black portrayal. His posture demanded attention and order, while he disregarded this personality when it came to his favourite type of topics of discussion. He could talk for hours upon end and entertain anyone with his creative ideas for hours upon hours. His rather tall physique was a result of his Leonin background, yet he did not take shape of the average of said sort. Cœardia dressed to impress, ensuring that people had to pay attention to him no matter the cause. 

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cœardia was an incredibly well-educated scientist exploring the similarities between the Material Plane, Feywild, and Shadowfell. His nearly endless research fills up the Feywild and Shadowfell shelves of the most pristine universities.


Cœardia studied at the Arcane Brotherhood in the Swordcoast with a focus on Conjuration relating to alternate planes. He soon realised there was very little knowledge regarding the different planes, so he set out throughout the world to talk to people who have travelled through different planes.


In 1491 DR, a strange shift in dimensions was sensed in Supros. This was when the Cult of the Mother attempted to summon an ancient god and Haiden Lewis had arrived in this dimension. Haiden Lewis and Maurice Lewis being father and son connected by interplanar interference caused a strange sense of interplanar energy to spread throughout the lands. After months of location this inconsistency, Cœardia found Maurice and Haiden in Senty.    When Cœardia explained his research to them, he told them he wanted to recruit them. At first the two were hesitant, but after they had heard back from friends of Maurice who shared details from the dangers that the Cult of the Mother had pursued, they decided to join Cœardia.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Even though the organisation had remained nameless for its first few years, their research had paid off, finding some old literature discussing the Martikov family tree. This family tree however, constantly contradicted itself, resulting into different people being alive at moments after they had already died. Later however, they stumbled upon an essay written by Rudolph van Richten, an monster hunter who one day disappeared. This essay talked about about the mysterious Martikov family, and how its members often disappeared for years, only to one day return not having aged a day. Maurice Lewis vaguely remembered a Ferrel Martikov, a man his late father spoke highly of many years ago.    In 1499 they arrived in Waterdeep to meet with Ferrel under the guise that Maurice Lewis wanted to reunite the Lewis and Martikov family-alliance, yet the moment Ferrel found out what they were there for he demanded his guards throw them onto the streets. Blaire Martikov, Ferrel's son, however was more than interested in their research. That same night, as they were staying at a local inn, Blaire Martikov snuck into Maurice Lewis's room trying to take a peek at their research. Maurice however, having set up their suitcases with Glyph of Warding ages ago, resulted in a trap triggering followed with Blaire falling under the Charm Person spell. Under this effect, it didn't take long for Blaire to spill his true intentions. Their conversations lead far into the night, and by the time Cœardia and Haiden Lewis found out what even happened it was far into the morning.   It didn't take long for Blaire to officially join the group and for them to find more information about the Martikov family, as well as an ancient group called 'The Keepers of the Feather'', a name they shortly after adapted.

Failures & Embarrassments

In 1509, after the Keepers of the Feather had settled in Neverwinter, Cœardia's laboratorium had blown up while he was at the verge of a breakthrough. There was nothing left of the lab, most of their research, including Cœardia, had been destroyed in the process. 

Current Status
Date of Death
1509 DR
Circumstances of Death
Perished in the destruciton of his lab.
Light grey manes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black/Dark gray fur
Aligned Organization