Ezmeralda D'Avenir Character in Toril | World Anvil

Ezmeralda D'Avenir


Ezmerelda is a tall, raven-haired woman, with piercing brown eyes and a prosthetic right leg. She wields her rapier Hellfire and also uses her keen wit and abilities as a Vistani to their fullest.  


Ezmerelda, a Vistana, is the protege of Rudolph van Richten. After an undisclosed period of time, Ezmerelda detached from Rudolph van Richten and set off on her own. While in the company of a Vistani caravan, Ezmerelda heard a rumor that Rudolph van Richten had gone to Barovia to slay the most powerful vampire of them all. She decided that he might need help and traveled for months to reach Strahd Von Zarovich‘s domain. She rode her wagon to Vallaki and learned about an old tower that seemed the sort of place Rudolph van Richten would use as a base. When she arrived there, she found some of his belongings, but of the vampire hunter there was no sign.   One day, after gathering some information from a werewolf named Fenrir, she returned to the tower finding the party took shelter in there the night before. She isn’t mad at the party for blowing up her caravan, she is mainly concerned about the party and how they cope with Rark death.   Later she showed her affection towards Arti Fischer and the party came to find out they had a past together and they seem to have met in Vallaki.  


As she accompanied the party to Strahd's dinner invitation she took a fatal attack from Strahd in order to save Arti Fischer. When the party left Castle Ravenloft to sulk in their defeat and loss, they noticed a black raven flying over their heads towards Van Richten's Tower.  


When Arti Fischer abducted Ireena Kolyana  to bring her to Baba Lysaga he had a visit from Strahd. He offered Arti Fischer to trade Ezmeralda D'Avenir for Ireena Kolyana, Arti agreed. As Strahd took Ireena with him, Ezmeralda's soul returned in the body of Emelia Karalius.
Rudolph van Richten's protoge
Common, Elvish, Orc, Thieves’ Cant
Arti Fischer (partner), Rudolph van Richten  (mentor)