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Magic College Class of 550


Lorakaen Shinebright by Yumedatchi
Like most other Magic College classes, the Class of 550 officially started with 16 students, though in actuality it was 18 due to Sengred Dilosz truly being three people, and by graduation it had consisted of 19 students, though only 17 graduated, with one dead and one expelled.  
  1. Lorakaen Shinebright- A Half-Elven healer known as one of, if not the, greatest healer to ever live. She was said to be able to heal anything, and would go on to become Centurion of Ludhar's Legion. She was married to her classmate Finethir Shinebright.
  3. Shatt Gunn- A Half-Orc known for being the most wanted man of the mid-500s as the Marshal of the Revolution for the Army of the Revolution after being adopted by Fepar Tilrak. He was feared most for leading the charge against the World Court.
  5. Ogonn Ha- A Fire Jinn known for being a soldier in the Golden Automatons squad of the Dwarven army before being the one to overthrow them and gain retribution. He was remembered fondly for protecting others, and some say he even earned the title of Lord of the Fire Plane. He was married to his classmate Ha Kyung.
  7. Kathleen Ramone-A Human bard known for her staunch anti-slavery position, as she was born into slavery, she is credited with being one of the people that led to slavery's official collapse in Totania.
  9. Finethir Shinebright- A Half-Elf known formerly for his murderous tendencies, which he turned around when founding the prominent condiment company Sanguine Ketchup. He was married to his classmate Lorakaen Shinebright.
    Shatt Gunn by genuinetrickster
  11. Murphy Law- A Human known for being the Head Priest of the Church of Athena, Murphy once neglected his duties and doubted his fate but eventually grew zealous over the doctrine he created in the Zephurian Reformation. His Unstable Arcana was what he was most fondly remembered for.
  13. Yilkin Tilrak- A Draconian known for wielding Beast Magic, she was a gentle woman raised to be a warrior, and despite coming from multiple adoptive, abusive households, she was said to always bring kindness to any situation, making animals to calm people and help them.
  15. Prayer- A Korvian known as the Head Priest of the God of Secrets, Mimir. Little was known about him, as he often kept to himself, though it was said that he turned on many of his classmates before graduation.
  17. Kaltoth Vracrath- A Draconian Necromancer known for being the Village Chief in the Draconian Village of Evity. He married his professor, Vardid Liloryas, mere months before graduation.
  19. Ha Kyung- An Ophidian known for wielding Shield Magic, he once was a subordinate of the World Court that valued strength above all else, but after learning to question them, he began to doubt his own values and learned to protect the weak rather than cherish the strong. He was married to his classmate Ogonn Ha.
  21. Dresser Caerxan- A Korvian known for her vampire hunting and astute taste in fashion, as well as being a co-founder of the rebuilding of Waire and the Vampire Hunters. Dresser never died, instead freezing herself eternally with her Korvian Cadential Ability before she could, reaching forever into the sky at the sun representing her husband, Sinner Caerxan.
    Ogonn Ha by RovaRed
  23. ███ █████- All records of this student's existence are gone, as if they never attended class, though strangely a space exists in the official graduation and class records here, as if someone did once fill this slot and did make it to 12th place in the class. When questioned about it, all students in the Class of 550 had no idea who they were, except for Shatt Gunn, who refrained from commenting.
  25. Mebror Dosse- A human known for being a disgraced, former priest of Athena who was enslaved and abused, the lashing out and vowing to destroy all organized religion. He had incredible, uncontrollable magical energy that was too much for even himself to handle, and he was possessed by the Demon Lord Torquemada the Inquisitor.
  27. Solution- A Devil detective from Hell on a mission to solve a crime involving some of his classmates, as well as other figures around the Magic College, though forbidden from unleashing too much of his power or intervening in surface affairs.
  29. Sengred Dilosz- A Dark Elf, or at least someone who pretended to be one, for instead he was truly three Deep Gnomes in a robe named Schneegi Pitsmasher, Diknat Gembones, and Kuktat Pebblecrusher. When disguised, he appeared to be an ace, or at least someone capable of wielding three elements, though he was the least remarkable student in the class together or separated.
  31. Brankyl- A Dwarven bard that died during his fourth year, but due to administrative troubles at the Magic College, his seat was not filled and therefore he was not replaced, and so he did not even graduate, and his soul was trapped in Hell.
    Kathleen Ramone by masob the wise wizard
  33. Trifaera Lusisce- An Elven noblewoman that was kicked out of the class after declaring war on the Magic College her first year, without the true authority to do such a thing. She was incredibly bigoted and most of her classmates detested her, and she was swiftly defeated by a group of them before being thrown out. She was replaced by Murphy Law.


There were two professors in charge of the Class of 550, with each having a profound impact on their students in different ways, and each being prominent world figures in their own regards outside of their academic prowess.   To some, they were called one of the greatest duos in teaching, though others considered them a dysfunctional pair because they were not very compatible, with Vardid being incredibly loud and bombastic while Zanni was quiet and often exhausted.   Neither professor taught again after the Class of 550, retiring for other opportunities after these students graduated.
  • Vardid Vracrath- A Draconian bard known as the Queen of Ice, she was the Village Chief of Ealla and said to be one of the most prolific heroes of the era, being undefeated in combat for her entire life, even breaking a curse on the Magic College that otherwise would have killed everyone she knew. She married her student Kaltoth Vracrath, a childhood friend only a few years younger than her.
  • Zanni Laithra- A Gnomish healer who was cursed to sleep more than he was ever awake, he was the school nurse when he taught at the Magic College, and later founded a hospital in Lebalos.

Cover image: Books by Free-Photos


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