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The Sentinels of Myfenor

The Sentinels are the backbone of the Crystal Crown's military, trained in combat and reconnaissance to protect the realm from both external threats and internal disruptions. They are elite warriors skilled in archery, swordsmanship, and wilderness survival, making them adept at maneuvering through the forest terrain.   The sentinels are commanded by the Sentinel Commander, who in turn reports to the The Emerald Queen and her Assembly .  


The Sentinels are organized into divisions, each responsible for a specific portion of the forest. These divisions are led by members of Myfenorian Nobility , who are appointed by the Emerald Queen based on their lineage, loyalty, and capability. This ensures that the military leadership remains closely aligned with the queen's directives and the overarching goals of the queendom.   Special Units: Within the Sentinels, there are specialized units tailored to address particular threats, such as rogue magical creatures, invading forces, or significant natural disturbances.

Notable Members

Military, Armed Forces


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