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The Emerald Queen

  • The absolute monarch of the High Elves
  • Title currently held by Emerald Queen Sylvaelle
  • Heir to the Crown: Sylvaelle's daughter, Elanessa, Queen Heiress
  • Role: The supreme ruler of the Crystal Crown, embodying the wisdom, power, and grace of the forest. She is a formidable mage, with a deep connection to the land and its creatures.
  • Responsibilities: Governing society and making decisions on matters of diplomacy, security, and the arcane. Final authority and decision maker. The queen also carries two of The Unbreakable Seals embedded in her Staff, encased in Eldarquartz.
  • Requirements

    Lineage linked to the ruling house of Ancient Venera


    The Myfenorian Assembly crowns a new Queen at the The Pillars of the Ancestors during a coronation ceremony. Thousands of elves attend and The Elfsong is sang until the ancestors give approval of the new queen.


  • Keep the The Unbreakable Seals of Myfenor safe.
  • Restore the high elves to the greatness of ancient Venera.
  • Accoutrements & Equipment

  • The Diadem of Venera
  • The Queenstaff, a magic staff with the 2 The Unbreakable Seals of Myfenor embedded on it, encased in Eldarquartz.
  • Form of Address
    Her Highness
    Alternative Naming
    Ruler of the Spyre, Queen of Eternal Spring
    Source of Authority
    The People
    Length of Term
    Related Locations
    Related Organizations


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