Summer Camp 2023 in Tread of Darkness | World Anvil
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Summer Camp 2023


Like last year, I don't want to aim too high or else I'll fall short, so I'm going for Copper again. Last year I was worried about how often I would be able to write, so I only pledged to write at least five prompts, but I ended up with ten and was very happy with that. I'm hoping to get more done this year, so I'm aiming for ten articles and maybe I'll get more.   I'll try to focus on my world Tread of Darkness, but I will likely switch back to Jerde if any of the prompts will fit better there.   I only have five days in July that I will be unable to write, so I'm hoping to spend a lot more time working this year. However, things can change (and certainly did during May) so I could end up with less time than I think. As such, I won't be too ambitious. I'm doing this for fun and I don't want to get stressed or burned out as I have before.  


Theme 1: Power

In Tread of Darkness, there are many examples of power. Magical power, political power, technological power... The list goes on. Strong and wealthy planets like Zenricho and Jaque have large amounts of power, with Zenricho leaning towards political and technological and Jaque leaning towards magical and cultural. Meanwhile, smaller and poorer planets are forced to scavenge for the barest scraps of dignity, the inhabitants spending their entire lives working for those above them (Maynrel and Xyan). On other planets, the examples become more personalized, such as Sharshay, where adults dominate children, or Visor, where dictators control the population through threats and propaganda.
In Jerde, power struggles are everywhere, with Gifteds using their magic freely and often abusing it to control Non-Gifteds and Downsides preventing those Gifteds from living without fear for their lives and sanity. Countries and organizations battle over territory and laws, Houses battle over the influence of rulers, and families fight each other over attention and freedom, while deep inside a few powerful people, an ancient darkness seeks to destroy everyone it can.

Theme 2: Frontier

In the Tread of Darkness, nearly every planet has places that are unexplored. The denizens of these planets avoid those places for fear of what lurks in the unknown regions just beyond their doors. Another example of a frontier is the edge of the known galaxy. Although hundreds of planets are known about, there are still areas of space that have yet to be charted and traveled through. On some planets, the frontier is more of an idea than a place, an invisible boundary of social or magical injustice that prevents people from living true.
Jerde has many countries, many borders, and many untouched areas. Whether it is the lost city-states of Bazilia, the fallen empires of Rushlinna, or the stretching wilderness of Imbowge, Jerde is filled with mysterious areas. Social frontiers are found in both Gift-hating and Gifted-run nations. Countries such as Dalirn restrict Gifteds and even attempt to kill them outright for powers they claim as "unnatural" while extremist kingdoms like Rifthaven and Illingua have very few jobs for Non-Gifteds aside from servants.

Theme 3: Relics

Relics can be found everywhere in Tread of Darkness. From ancient jewelry left by the legendary Eternals to the journals of powerful mages, there are thousands of objects to be discovered and used. Some are imbued with magic, some are incredibly old, and some are simply sentimental. Even more mysterious are the creators and owners of these items, many are unknown or lost to time.
Relics can also be found in many places in Jerde. Most are normal objects that once belonged to important rulers or Gifteds, but others are cursed items enchanted by Hexers or transformed by Imaginers. These possessions are desperately sought after, with rich nobles often fighting over the inheritance of family heirlooms and museums paying double rates or more to show objects that belonged to historical figures.

Theme 4: Communication

In the Tread of Darkness, communication is complicated and detailed. Most planets have their own languages, planetary unions establish ways of communicating, and on specific planets, there may be many languages and dialects. While much of the galaxy as a whole can find ways to translate, some smaller planets find it incredibly difficult to. The The Interplanetary Peace Alliance is currently working on ways to communicate better, as well as ways to improve communication technologies.
There are many languages and ways of communicating in Jerde. Although much of the world can speak one language, isolated countries are often forced to go through translators and third-party linguists. Long-distance communications are often sent with the use of Gifteds like Telepaths and Animers, costing large amounts of money. Letters and short-range messages are generally sent through local post offices and take days to reach their destinations.


Prompts I complete will be listed here when I'm done!

Theme 1: Power

President of the IPA
Rank/Title | Jul 13, 2023
Written for the Rank prompt, this is the current leader of the IPA. (Tread of Darkness)
House Calleron
Organization | Mar 3, 2024
Written for the Organization prompt, this is the ruling family of Whirlan. (Jerde)
The Commander's Return
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Feb 11, 2024
Written for Natural Law, this is a future event that will destroy many. (Tread of Darkness)
Visoran War
Military Conflict | Feb 11, 2024

An ongoing conflict between the Visoran Army and the CKGs.

Written for the Conflict prompt, this was a somewhat spontaneous article about the ongoing war between the CKGs and the Visoran Army. (Tread of Darkness)  

Theme 2: Frontier

Geographic Location | Mar 18, 2024
Written for the Location prompt, Dicrices is an island with a lax government. (Jerde)
CKG Pilot
Profession | Jul 31, 2023
Written for the Profession prompt, CKG pilots travel all over the galaxy. (Tread of Darkness)
Stella Candello
Character | Sep 7, 2023
Written for the Person prompt, Stella is a CKG pilot who loves exploring. (Tread of Darkness)

Theme 2 bonus

Letter to Lord Ephraim
Document | Jul 31, 2023
Written for the OPTIONAL Document prompt, this letter from King Rendorik was sent covertly to a foreign lord. (Jerde)  

Theme 3: Relics

Species | May 10, 2024
Written for the Species prompt, the Crestantos are believed to be extinct. (Tread of Darkness)
Settlement | Dec 29, 2023

Emerrez is the capital city of Crosteron and one of the oldest cities in the galaxy.

Written for the Settlement prompt, Emerrez is the capital city of Crosteron. (Tread of Darkness)
The King's Crown
Item | Jul 31, 2023
Written for the Item prompt, the king's crown was lost when the Dalirn took over Whirlan. (Jerde)
Nicole, the Celestial of Compassion
Character | Feb 11, 2024
Written for the Person prompt, Nicole is a popular Celestial on poverty-stricken planets. (Tread of Darkness)
Don't Touch the Dead
Myth | Jul 26, 2023
Written for the Myth prompt, this is a children's horror story about life during the Night Plague. (Jerde)

Theme 4: Communication

Visoran Army
Organization | Jan 11, 2024

A military force from Visor that is currently attempting to conquer and control nearby planets.

Written for the Organization prompt, the Visoran Army is attempting to conquer the galaxy. (Tread of Darkness)
Character | Feb 11, 2024
Written for the Person prompt, Darina is the legendary Celestial of deception. (Tread of Darkness)
General Karol
Character | Sep 8, 2023
Written for the OPTIONAL Person prompt, General Karol is the leader of the Visoran Army. (Tread of Darkness)
Dancing Hand
Language | Mar 18, 2024

The Dancing Hand is a sign language used in Eterlania and Narthica.

Written for the Language prompt, this is a sign language used in Eterlania and Narthica. (Jerde)

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Author's Notes

I apologize for the repetitive nature of my headers. I take them all myself and often find it hard to get things that fit perfectly.

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Jun 9, 2023 13:28 by TJ Trewin

Copper is an excellent goal to work towards :D what kind of prompts are you hoping to see once they're revealed?

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 10, 2023 19:10 by Lilliana Casper

Hi! I'm sorry I didn't answer you earlier, I've been experiencing some technical difficulties with my computer. I'm not quite sure what I want to see, but it would be nice to get some prompts that help me work on my political systems. Thanks for the like!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.