Lady of the Night

Perhaps one was traded, sold, or captured at a young age and eventually bought. Or perhaps left a life of despair for food, shelter, and coin, maybe even abandoned a life of near endless privileges. No matter what way one comes to be a Lady of the Night, they were thrust into the world's oldest, and one of its most lucrative, professions. A world of adultery, money, secrets, lust, pleasure, pain, and, often, deep self-loathing that dominates their life. It will show that a talented tongue, a sharp ear, a deft hand, a keen eye, and, most importantly, a desirable form can get everything one needs to survive and then some, if they are good at what they are paid to do. It also gives a glimpse behind the curtain of a... unique form of trade and the business knowledge behind the pleasures of the flesh. Which is far more connected, complex, and dangerous than most people want to realize and as a high-end escort and prostitute primarily employed by The Sacred Garden and its Six Branches, a Lady of the Night is at the heart of shadow games behind the curtains of global politicking across Kalbela and beyond.



The upbringing of a Lady of the Night is highly varied and new ladies are trained for the job, but if they bring particular or valuable skills to go beyond their expected job it can lead to rapid promotions, personal and professional privileges, and exquisite gifts.

Career Progression

Ladies of the Night are tiered from Fourth- to First-Rank, indicated by the number of Branch specific gold plant parts on a pin they wear. One earns a rank at their Madam's discretion and is greatly influenced by how much coin they make, how much sway they can muster over their politically influential clientele, and how little they cost their Branch's owner; the process is fairly subjective.

Payment & Reimbursement

High-quality food and lodging, coin, gifts, personal skills.


Social Status

No matter the name they use or how esteemed and powerful their clientele, a Lady of the Night is still a bought and paid-for whore and always carries some level of stigma and scorn, but a Lady of the Night entertains the upper echelons of society and they can walk in those spheres like they themselves were high-born and no one would be able to tell despite the fact that a Lady of the Night could be a lowly milkmaid to a noble-born and everything in between; that is how well they are trained. When one works for The Sacred Garden, one's pastlife is of little concern, all that matters is how much coin one brings in after the door closes, clothes fall to the floor, and the lights go dark.



Perfumes and Makeups, Fine Clothes, Enchanted Mundane Objects

Dangers & Hazards

Being a Lady of the Night of any of the Six Branches, they are far safer then a common street whore, although risk is never wholly eliminated.
Alternative Names
Escort, Prostitute, Whore
High-demand Luxury