The Gilded Tiger Lily

The Gilded Tiger Lily, a high-end brothel and escort provider for the wealthy elites and visitors of the Salvae Empire. The Gilded Tiger Lily, like The Gilded Lotus, is unique in its clientele engagement. While they operate like their standard sister brothels, they understood, and know full well, that soldiers, during times of battle and war, longed for nothing more than a lover's touch for they never knew what day would be their last. And so, Ladies of the Gilded Tiger Lily have personal traveling carriages that actively follow behind merchant caravans, convoys, and war parties of friends and foes alike. Their ladies have very unique training and skills in comparison to their sister brothels and the escorts under their employ are well-known for their fierce personalities.


Owner- The purchaser or inheritor of the establishment, procures new talent for the brothel. Also serves as the Branch representative when called to the Guild Hall.   Madam- Oversees the entire staff, but is specifically in charge of the training and promotion of the brothel's ladies.   Medicine Woman- The highest skilled medicinal and/or magical healer. Is responsible for preventing disease and sickness being brought into the brothel and training of the other healers on staff.   Lady of the Night- Rank is denoted by the number of gold stamen on a small tiger lily pin to be worn by the ladies. One stamen represents the lowest ranked, two the third, three the second, and four the highest. Rank indicates prestige and skill of the lady and gives certain privileges.   High Guardsman- Highest Ranked Guardsman that has been personally assigned to a First Rank Lady of the Night.   Guardsman- protect the property, patrons, and ladies of The Gilded Tiger Lily.   Servant- The hired help assigned to the homebuilding and some skilled trade jobs.

Beautiful Flowers Only Bloom from Strong Seeds

Economic System
Barter system
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions