The Sacred Garden

The Sacred Garden is the guild headquarters that oversees its Six Branches: The Gilded Jasmine, The Gilded Tiger Lily, The Gilded Aconite, The Gilded Firethorn, The Gilded Rose, and The Gilded Lotus. The guild is the premier provider of adult entertaiment and escorting services for Kalbela's elite and well-connected, so if you are paying for pleasure, odds are that that The Sacred Garden is your supplier.


The Sacred Garden is the Parent Organization of its Six Branches: The Gilded Jasmine, The Gilded Tiger Lily, The GIlded Aconite, The Gilded Firethorn, The Gilded Rose, and The Gilded Lotus. The owners of the Six Branches sit on a council and are led by the Founder of the Guild.   Each of the Six Branches is led by their respective owner. Beneath them is the Branch's Madam, who is in charge of the Branch's Ladies of the Night, Guardsmen, and support staff.


The Sacred Garden is a highly respected Guild that specializes in erotic pleasures for the upper echelon of Kalbela, although coin doesn't discriminate. As such, the guild as a whole holds a fair amount of political sway for a myriad of reasons and depending on where an individual stands in terms of patronage, debts, and credits owed. The Sacred Garden, or any of the Branches, can be a strong ally or enemy to the powerful, but that all depends on what the Guild or Branches holds over an individual.


Gold and silver, land, buildings, land and sea transports, weapons, equipment, tools, and intel.
Founding Date
353 ATS
Guild, Professional
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Economic System
Barter system
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Notable Members