
Owlin are a fascinating race within the world of Trorune. Their owlish appearance, coupled with a unique blend of intelligence and mystique, sets them apart compared to their distant cousins, the Aarakocra and Kenku.   Owlin are a variable race and stand anywhere between two-and-a-half and six feet tall, with a feathery exterior that ranges from snowy whites and greys to earthy browns and deep, mysterious blacks, resembling the plumage of a number of the different owl species found across Kalbela and beyond. Their eyes gleam with a mixture of intelligence and curiosity, revealing an innate thirst for knowledge that seems to seep from their very core.   While Owlin possess the physical traits of their namesakes, their true wonder lies in their magical affinity and seem to have a natural connection to the arcane, often delving into the mysteries of magic with a fervor that matches their yearning for wisdom. Their unique gifts allow them to navigate the ethereal currents of the winds of magic, tapping into its energies with grace and mastery.   Culturally, Owlin embrace their dual nature of sage and adventurer. Most thrive in scholarly pursuits, able to devout hours to scribing ancient texts, performing magical experimentation, and relentlessly pursuing pieces of knowledge. Their homes often resemble extensive libraries and arcane laboratories, where secrets of the cosmos are unveiled through meticulous research.   Still others are piqued by the vastness and ruggedness of the outside world, eager to ply their knowledge and craft to the world beyond their doorsteps. Their love for exploration and discovery drives them to explore the world around them, seeking hidden truths and arcane marvels. Many Owlin embark on quests to uncover forgotten artifacts, decipher ancient runes, or even unveil hidden dimensions. Their wanderlust is balanced by a deep reverence for the arcane, making them astute navigators of both the material and magical realms.   Socially, Owlin possess a certain aloofness that stems from their intimate connection to arcane forces. While they are by no means hermits, they often retreat to their sanctums to delve into magic or meditate on the cosmic truths they've uncovered. Despite their introspective nature, Owlin are valued allies and friends, their wisdom serving as a guiding light in times of uncertainty.
Scientific Name
Avis homo noctua
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