Sand Covered Sapphire Character in Trorune | World Anvil

Sand Covered Sapphire

Warchief Sand Covered Sapphire (a.k.a. Sapphire)

Sand Covered Sapphire is a vision of feline grace and sensual, feminine elegance. Her lithe, slender frame moves with the fluid grace of a cheetah, her fur is that of a King Cheetah, with a sleek golden color that shimmers in the light. Her bright green feline eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint, always scanning her surroundings for potential opportunities. She wears a sparkling, sapphire-blue bedlah-styled outfit adorned with gold embroideries, accentuating her every curve. The outfit is completed with a matching pair of gold-colored leather bracers that adorn her wrists. Dangling from her ears are two small, polished and smooth obsidian hoop earrings that have a trio of small sapphires embedded in them on the outside top of her right ear. Her voice is smooth and seductive, rolling her R's when she speaks and flicking her tail when she flirts.   Sand Covered Sapphire is one of the Five Warchiefs of the Raja'ri Territories, a title that she inherited in her father's stead due to his old age. In spite of her youth, she commands respect of a migratory clan of mainly Tabaxi, a few thousand strong. Many of the most skilled merchants, meticulous artisans and craftsmen, and wily treasure hunters across Kalbela draw kinship from her clan. Her quick wit and sharp mind have earned her a reputation as a shrewd businesswoman and a master of negotiation. She is a natural leader and is a true survivor, always looking out for herself and her clan, and always ready to seize any opportunity that comes her way.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

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Hidden, wrist-mounted, Adamantine, gold-inlayed blades, under a Greater Invisibility spell, attached to the bracers (similar to the Ring of Mind Shielding).
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
26th Day of Leaf Fall, 980 ATS
Year of Birth
980 ATS 20 Years old
Green, Cat Eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
King Cheetah Fur
115 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Leonin, Elvish, Dwarvish