
Tabaxi are a race of lithe and agile feline humanoids that embody the childlike essence of curiosity and wonderment. These beings, with their feline grace exude a sense of lithe athleticism and a feral aura as well as an insatiable wanderlust; they captivate the imagination of all who encounter them.   Their fur ranges from the vibrant and exotic to the subtle and earthy, mirroring the hues of various feline predators from tigers, leopards and cheetahs to common house cats. Their eyes, often gleaming with a mix of intelligence and mischief, hold a spark that reflects their boundless curiosity and zest for life.   Intrinsically connected to the animal instincts of their feline heritage, Tabaxi possess an innate agility that transcends the ordinary and pales others that attempt to compare. Their nimble movements make them natural acrobats and climbers, while their keen senses grant them an uncanny awareness of their surroundings. They are known for their lightning-fast reflexes, which serve them well in both playful antics and tense battles.   Tabaxi society is characterized by an unwavering wanderlust much like the Elves, although unlike Elves theirs is rarely, if ever, satiated. Their curiosity about the world fuels their desire to explore every nook and cranny of Kalbela and beyond their normal ranges in the Raja'ri Territories. They are often nomadic, embracing the thrill of the open road and the thrill of discovering the unknown. Tabaxi traders and storytellers are common sights, as their interactions with other races offer both knowledge and connection.   The curiosity that defines Tabaxi is not limited to the physical world; they are equally drawn to mysteries of the arcane and ancient histories and the treasures that oft pre- and proceed them. Their love for riddles, puzzles, and stories often carries a deeper significance, as they search for truths hidden beneath layers of metaphor and illusion. Many Tabaxi have a fascination with magic and the arcane, combining their physical agility with the manipulation of mystical forces.   Tabaxi form bonds that run deep, forged through shared journeys and the discovery of new horizons. Their loyalty extends to their chosen companions, with whom they eagerly share the treasures of their travels and the wisdom of their experiences. While they might appear flighty to those who do not understand their ways, Tabaxi's connections are profound and lasting.   In the grand tapestry of existence, Tabaxi are, by their very nature and purest essence, the adventurers, the thrillseekers, and the storytellers. Their presence injects a sense of vibrancy and spontaneity into the realms, reminding all who encounter them that life is meant to be explored, cherished, shared, and, above all, abilities tested.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Tabaxi are similar to humans in regards to their reproduction, though the cat-folk tend to have twins and triplets at higher rates than humans and their gestation rate is slightly shorter, between seven and eight months. They are sexually mature around fourteen years and can continue until to do so into their late-thirties and early-forties.   Despite being humanoid, there have not been any recorded, successful couplings between Tabaxi and other humanoids aside from Leonin; the two races have shown successful pairings despite their size differences. Thus, Tabaxi tend to not look outside the feline races to breed with.

Ecology and Habitats

Tabaxi tend to inhabit warmer, tropical and subtropical regions, but there are groups of arctic and montane-dwelling Tabaxi in Kalbela and across Greater Trorune that have branched-off from their warm weather cousins.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like their animal counterparts, Tabaxi are obligate carnivores; relying of game hunting and fishing for sustinance as well as herding livestock as most Tabaxi, particularly those from the Raja'ri Territories as they are nomadic compared to those that live in settlements. But unlike cats, they do not consume raw meat and have developed many ways of preserving and drying meats.
Scientific Name
Panthera homo cattus
70-80 years
Average Height
4-6 feet
Average Weight
90-140 lbs
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