The Winter Star Accord


The Winter Star Accord ended the ten-year invasion of Oteth by mainland Giamela forces and established the Lisand Monarchy in Oteth.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Located in the Archives of Castle Lisand

Historical Details


The Winter Star Accord was signed by General Karl Lisand and Otethen Elven dignitaries following the surrender after the Battle of the Silvered Leaves and the death of King Saevel Varo, ending the ten-year invasion. Its contents also arranged the marriages of General Karl Lisand, Captain Raya Hightower, Sergeants Pluto Flynn and Victor Locke, and Private Wilhelm Torrin to elven partners to ensure fair treatment of the surviving Otethen Wood Elves.


The Winter Star Accord was preceded by the ten-year Giamela Invasion of the Isles of Oteth, which culminated at the Battle of the Silvered Leaves where King Saevel Varo would fall in combat from stray arrow fire. Proceeding the Accord was the unconditional marriage between General Karl Lisand and Varo's youngest, surviving daugher Princess Saria Varo and the marriages of Raya Hightower and Almer Dagella, Pluto Flynn and Meira Valdove, Victor Locke and Kaylessa Reyqen, and Wilhelm Torrin and Zaleria Norric.   These marriages would form the foundational lineages of the Lisand Monarchy and the lineages of Oteth's Four Lords.


This document would allow the conquered Wood Elves of Oteth to reassimilate into the coming age through the arrage the marriage between General Karl Lisand and Princess Saria Varo as well as the marriages between four distinguished commanders of the Invasion of Oteth and elven partners in what would become the linages Four Regional Lords and their territorial and political control.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Signatories (Organizations)