Kingdom of Oteth (Oh- te-the)

The Island Nation of Oteth was conquered centuries prior during the territorial disputes and expansions of the mainland and its innumerable regional Rulers that would eventually shape the four defined territories, and three kingdoms, of Kalbela. Its original inhabitants were staunch isolationists and believed their remoteness and prevalent Primal Magics would repel most invading forces, of which was the case for centuries. Until the Invasion of Oteth that saw thousands of warships and well-armed and -armored invaders land on the elves' shores. Outmatched and manned and after nearly a decade of war and a slow decimation of the Wood Elf populace to a few thousand, including the island's present King who took the field during the Battle of Silvered Leaves, the elves were forced to surrender and the present-day Oteth was born.   In the conditions of surrender, and a loose form of clemency with the surviving elven leadership, General Karl Lisand of the Giamela forces took the youngest daughter of the fallen king as a wife. This union brought forth the Lisand Monarchy and Rulership the Four Lords and would eventually establish the separation of the mainland and islandic Giamelans.   Today, the populace of Oteth is majority Human-Wood Elf hybrids and many can find a line tracing back to the aftermath of the Battle of the Silvered Leaves and the conditions of The Winter Star Accord as well as some of the survivors of the invasion, some of whom still live in the centuries following.   The people of Oteth, learning from the errors of the conquered and pulling from their Giamelan seafaring roots, established one of the world's most effective and deadly navies and they alone control vast swathes of the Torrose and the trade routes that allow them to maintain a semi-isolationist lifestyle with the rest of world, their only solid alliance is with the Giamela Kingdom, to which they draw lineage from, but its populace view themselves as Otethans more than Giamelans.


The Lisand Monarchy- The Royal Family of Oteth   Regional Lords of the North, South, Central, and the Scattered Isles


Semi-Isolationist with limited import markets, but high export markets.


Naval War and Trade Fleets, Natural Materials (Fish, Timber, Obsidian), Prevelance of Natural Magic sources


A once isolated Elven stronghold that was thrust into war by the naval fleets of Kalbela's Giamela Kingdom. The mainland invaders eventually conqured the island continent over a decade long war that concluded at the Battle of the Silvered Leaves where the Wood Elf King, Saevel Varo, fell to stray arrow fire. The surviving hierarchy formally surrendered to Karl Lisand and signed The Winter Star Accord three months later. As part of the conditions of surrender, Lisand was to wed Saevel's youngest daughter, Princess Saria Varo and four surviving officers that heavily distinguished themselves during the campaign, also took elven partners, as a show of good faith to establish ties with the surviving Wood Elves to give them representation and an opportunity to assimilate into the coming age.

Demography and Population

Oteth's population of around 160,000 and its primary inhabitants are Human and Half-Elf since the original conquest of Oteth, with scatterings of Dwarves, and of Wood Elves that are the descendants of the original inhabitants.   32% Humans   60% Half-Wood Elf   3% Dwarf   4% Wood Elf   1% Other Races


The territory of Oteth consists of the Main Island, divided into the Northern, Southern, and Central Regions and the surrounding Smaller Islands, which are subsequently ruled over by the Lord of the Scattered Isles. The Northern and Southern Regions occupy the largest territories and resources hubs to maintain balance of power as the Central Region encompasses the Capital and the Lisand Monarchy.

Technological Level

Naval Warfare Superiority   Smithing, Carpentry, Leatherworking   Nature Magics


Dieties that are most prevelant on Oteth are:   Selûne, Goddess of the Moon   Mielikki, Goddess of Forests   Silvanus, God of Wild Nature   Corellon Larethian, Elf Deity of Art and Magic   Rillifane Rallathil, Wood Elf God of Nature

Agriculture & Industry

Agricultural Power mainly through Fisheries, Whaling, and Timber Industries   Supplemented by Trapping/Hunting Industries and Leather Industry with limited supplementation by the Mining Industries

Trade & Transport

Naval Trade, Trade Routes (Land and Sea)   Has Limited Trade Agreements with Kalbela, primarily trades with the Country of Giamela as they were the island's conquering region and their are old ties to the region's leadership


Road and Sea Networks, Border Towns and Sentry Towers, Aquaducts, Castles and City-Towns

The Seas and the Roots of the Trees Run Deep

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Platinum, Gold, Electrum, Silver, Copper coinage and trade bullion
Major Exports
Timber, Fish, Oil, Leathers and Pelts, Medicinal Plants
Major Imports
Silks, Spices, Metal and Metal Armors
Legislative Body
The Lisand Monarchy of Oteth
Judicial Body
The Lisand Monarchy of Oteth and the Four Regional Lords
Executive Body
The Lisand Monarchy of Oteth and the Four Regional Lords
Controlled Territories