Zion Dawnclaw Character in Trorune | World Anvil

Zion Dawnclaw

Warchief Zion Dawnclaw

Unlike the other Warchiefs of the Raja'ri, Zion Dawnclaw, and his clan, is sedentary. His family built the Whitestone Palace and founded Karackas and have been responsible for its protection ever since the formation of the Confederation of the Five Warchiefs.   While many of the nomadic warchiefs scoff at the idea of sedentary lifestyle as a weakness, none would dare say that to the Dawnclaws, in public at least. Zion took control of Karackas, and the Whitestone Palace, after his pilgrimage of conquest where he tracked and slayed Valezar, a young blue dragon, with his bear hands. This grand victory earned Zion his birthright to rule the city, his right to bear his surname, his right to build a pride, and his right to sire offspring.   Excellence and ferocity are the hallmarks of Zion Dawnclaw, his amber eyes burn with a fierce intensity, reflecting his unwavering dedication to his people and the deity he serves, Amaunator. He dwarfs those around him towering over seven feet tall with tawny-gold fur, adorned with scars earned in battle, exudes strength and courage, while his full, raven black mane and tail tassel cascade with regal grace. His presence demands respect and attention wherever he goes and carries himself with a regal bearing, exuding the confidence and authority befitting a leader of his stature.   Donning a light, silk-like white lioncloth that falls to his knees, a symbol of his authority as the Warchief. A blue dragon skin belt with a golden sun-shaped buckle cinches his waist, representing his devotion to Amaunator and the power of the sun deity he serves. His wrists are adorned with metal bracers, each etched with intricate designs that tell the tales of his lineage and the triumphs of his ancestors. These bracers serve as a reminder of his heritage and the weight of responsibility he carries as one of the leaders of the Raja'ri.   With every step, Zion Dawnclaw exemplifies the strength, wisdom, and honor that befits a Warchief. His presence instills a sense of awe and reverence among his people, for he is not only their ruler but also their guardian and protector. He stands as a beacon of hope and unity, guiding his people through the challenges that lay ahead, and leading them towards a future of prosperity and greatness under the eternal light of Amaunator's benevolence.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a light, almost silk-like, white, split-sided knee-long lioncloth with a blue dragon skin belt and golden sun-shaped buckle; wears a pair of metal bracers.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
5th Day of Summer's Tide, 970 ATS
Year of Birth
970 ATS 30 Years old
Current Residence
Whitestone Palace
Amber, Cat Eyes
Full, Raven Black Mane and Tail Tassel
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tawny-gold fur with scarring across entire body
295 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Leonin, Orc