Karackas Settlement in Trorune | World Anvil


Nestled in the heart of the Raja'ri Territories, the bustling bazaar-mecca of Karackas rests and is the place of congregation of peoples of all races and creeds. As the sun rises over the vast savannah, this bustling metropolis awakens to the vibrant symphony of life. Its ovoid-shaped footprint, nearly fifteen square miles, embraces the pristine waters of the Turquoise Bay Bay, a natural wonder that guards the rear of the city and connects the capital to the Ocean of Torrose.   As they pass Lake Oban a few miles to its north-east, The gaze of travelers is drawn to the distant, but clearly towering wall, The Curved Emerald, near seventy feet tall, of hardened green basalt that horseshoes around Karackas in a protective embrace. At the northeast face of the wall stands The Black Gate, a massive, black-steel, double door sits in the maw of the wall.   Beyond those doors and wall, lies Karackas, a vibrant tapestry of cultures and races, a true bazaar-mecca. The Whitestone Palace sits at the southwest rear of the city in the Sun's Throne District, overlooking the Turquoise Bay.   Venturing into the Bazaar District, one is immediately engulfed in a sensory feast. The air is filled with the aroma of exotic spices, while merchants entice with colorful displays of their wares. Here, cultures collide and trade flourishes, weaving a rich tapestry of human connection. As the sun sets, the district comes alive with the shimmering glow of lanterns, casting a warm and enchanting glow.   The Outer District, a sprawling neighborhood, is a living testament to the Raja'ri people's sense of community and togetherness. It hums with life as families, friends, and neighbors share laughter and stories. In this favela-styled enclave, divisions of wealth and status are mere whispers, overshadowed by a collective spirit that binds the residents together.


Human- 35%   Leonin- 20%   Tabaxi- 10%   Orc- 2%   Half-Orc- 4%   Dwarf- 10%   Elf- 5%   Half-Elf- 3%   Dragonborn- 4%   Tiefling- 4%   Other- 1%


The Curved Emerald- The 70-foot tall and 15-foot thick, carved, green basalt wall that horseshoes around the city.   The Turquoise Bay- The natural water source at the rear of the city and waterway leading to the Torrose via the Strait of Telemai.   The Black Gate


The Sun's Throne District   Bazaar District   Outer District
Owning Organization
Characters in Location