Adamantine Material in Trutina | World Anvil
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Adamantine is the strongest metal known on Trutina and it is a rare ore only found in a few locations throughout the planet.   Adamantine is an extremely strong metal in its refined form and it is often used in small quantities to reinforce weapons and armor. While the metal is extremely hard to break, it is not flexible, which makes it less useful against blunt weapons.   Various adamantine veins have been found on The Continent and beyond, but their precise locations are well guarded secrets for a good reason. The mines created to extract this material always end up as important locations however and settlements often sprout near them, where the miners are treated as royalty. Adamantine as an ore is as easily smelted as iron, but once it solidifies, it becomes refined Adamantine. The metal is more difficult to work than steel and only very talented and experienced smiths can shape it into something usable, so this is mostly done by Elves or Burrowfolk, who often live longer lives than humans.   Adamantine is a slightly blue metal, but apart from that, it feels and behaves similarly to regular steel. Adamantine is also an excellent metal to create alloys with as it imparts its extreme toughness to any metal it is combined with, as is the case with Blue Ostinium.
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