Dhaerenuii Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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The dark elves, or drow have a dark skin, often purplish or grey in its coloration and their hair is often white or shades of grey. This is a result of generations spent in their homeland, which is a treacherous continent covered in deserts and mountain ranges.

Dark Lands

The area forced the drow to adopt an exploitative lifestyle, as the landmass doesn't provide enough fertile land for sustainable agriculture. The intense heat also influensed their fashion sense and lifestyle. Drow usually wear minimal clothing as their skin provides ample protection against sunlight. Additionaly, drow usually like to spend a lot of time indoors and especially in caves, where the air is cooler.  

Dark Souls

The population of The Darklands abides by very different norms compared to the cultures of humans on The Continent. Elves that inhabit the Dhaerenuiin Impaerin view themselves as superior to humans in every way and regard them as nothing more than animals. Their civilization is built on exploitation and the majority of its industry is reliant on slaves. Every settlement has a considerable slave population who toil away on the fields and construction sites, while their masters rest in the shade. In order to keep their own population well fed, the Impaerin relies on raids to other landmasses to provide a steady supply of food. This means that slaves are usually left to starve once their phyisique diminishes from malnutrition. This, in order neccessitates a steady supply of new slaves, and the cycle continues.  

Dark Desires

As most of the manual labour is handled by slaves, dark elves often have a lot of time on their hands. They use this time to endulge in all sorts of deplorable, but pleasurable activities, such as arts, feasts and even orgies. Parties often last for days and leaves the participants exhausted. The search for pleasure doesn't stop there however, as many dark elves turn towards more destructive ways to kill boredom. Sadism and even masochism is rampant in dark elf society with the former mostly aimed at the slaves who allow this lavish lifestyle. Bloodthirsty slave owners regularly torture slaves at even the slightest mishaps.  

Dark Secrets

The entire social hierarchy of the dark elves relies on powergrabs and cutthroat politics. This often leads to internal struggles between influential groups, making even larger cities dangerous locations where gang wars can erupt at any second. This led to a culture of secret keeping within drow society and snitches are often brutally punished.  

Dark Nights

Nighttime is very important to dark elves. Due to their connection to Volublectyth, they often spend several hours in the moonlight dancing or doing other fun activities. But it is not the only thing elves do at night. Most often, they prefer to fight in darkness as their targets, humans usually can't see very well.

Dark Webs

A very common element of drow clothing and armor is spiders and spider webs. This is mostly because according to Elven Duotheism, spiders are one of the favorite creations of Volublectyth. In addition, spiderwebs are known to be very strong and those produced by the giant spiders that inhabit The Darklands are used to make light armor that is way stronger than others of its weightclass.
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  • Deceitful
  • Ambitious
  • Lustful


  • Compassionate
  • Patient
  • Trusting


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