Ostinatos Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Worker God (a.k.a. Thinatr)

Ostinatos is the God of Determination, Obedience and Loyalty. He works tirelessly to make demons and repair the Great Mechanism. He also gives strength to those who are serve their lord loyally.  


Ostinatos is depicted as a tall, strong man with his hammer always at his side or in his hand. He uses it to build and to strengthen the will of people.  


He is most often represented with the image of a hammer, his signature tool, sometimes held by his arm.  


As a member of the Order Pantheon, all followers of the Order also serve him. He is not one to command other beings often, usually doing his work himself. That being said, many Order demons obey his command.  


Ostinatos is said to have unbelievable strength and endurance, which he uses to lift heavy gears needed for the Great Mechanism.   Ostinatos in Stories of the Gods
Thinatr in Stories of the Gods
Gray, brown, blue
Divine Classification

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