The Plane of Chaos Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Plane of Chaos

The Plane of Chaos is home to gods of Chaos and is an endless expanse of constantly shifting space. Most of it is always shifting, changing, altering and transforming. Rocks turn into liquid gold which than boils into ice, smells and colors get confused with each other and the laws of physics are re-written every second.   That being said, beings and places that are more or less unchanging can and do form in the Plane of Chaos. Most of the creatures that are formed here are selfish, or serve an overlord, which can be another demon or a god of Chaos.  


When spending time in the Plane of Chaos, one can encounter varying numbers of bizarre creatures that were formed here or become mutated after they visited the plane. The likelihood of meeting these entities is completely random.   Besides these creatures, other travelers can be encountered here, who are sometimes even more alien than the demons themselves.  


Whilst encountering hostile creatures always poses a threat to visitors of the Plane of Chaos, it is not the most common cause of harm here. The place itself repulses Order and as such, anyone who visits the plane without proper protection has their very bodies succumb to the ever-changing nature of this place. Their skin can turn to stone, their hearts dissipate and other, horrid side effects can quickly result in a painful death.   If one can prepare for this, the realm itself can still pose a threat. Directions and physical interactions can quickly change in nature and a traveler can end up submerged in solid steel, which then bursts into a freezing flame for example.   The first victim of the Plane of Chaos is the mind however. Time doesn't flow linearly in the Plane of Chaos and causation is rarely kept intact. A mortal mind can not comprehend the paradoxical nature of this place and only remembers a travel to the Plane of Chaos in fragmented, jumbled moments of memory. This makes the Plane of Order extremely hard to navigate, unless a visitor can acquire special protection against this effect.


The gods of Chaos are elusive and are few in number. If they want someone to find them, they will appear in front of them, as distances in the Plane of Chaos don't matter to them.
The Gods of Chaos
  • Kaos - The Betrayer God
    He is the God of Chaos, betrayal and power. (Symbol - Broken Cog)
  • Sinistos - The Spawn of Kaos
    He is the embodiment of evil and corruption. (Symbol - Teardrop)
Plane of Existence
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