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The town of Arablast is built around a large fortress which doubles as the home of the syre as well as the town's primary defense against possible attack. The syre's rule is often fair and the town remains a peaceful place, with the only interruption to that peace being the Obohr Revolt that the syre had pledged his country in to.


Most of Arablast's residents are human, with few large minority groups such as monnaite, half-orcs, mul, and dragonborn. Most humans in the town are culturally and ethnically obohr, a ethnic group widely present in the Obohrlansk region, specifically the western half. As with most settlements in the Obohrlansk, about half of the town's residents are farmers or millers who provide a sustainable supply of food to the town. Other than agriculture, the next most common professions are in the lumber and shoe-making industries. Most of the town's residents are of the lower class of society, though a somewhat moderately sized middle class exists and encompasses about ten percent of the population. Few residents are part of the upper class, and those who are tend to be nobles, merchants, or artisans.


The defences of Arablast consist of the inner fortress which is surrounded by the rest of the town as well as a make-shift wooden wall which surrounds the rest of the inner urban area. The outer wall has no battlements and two gates while the inner fortress has a single gate but plenty of defensive positions in case of a siege. A force of about fifty guards, part of the syre's retinue, patrol the town and keep order.

Industry & Trade

Most of the town's residents are farmers or part of the agricultural industry so that the town has the necessary supplies to feed its people. A large lumber industry exists in the town and most of its production is sold to independent households or other settlements. The most common buyers of lumber from Arablast are settlements within Orxiah, specifically those near the Sylide-Orxiah border. Imported goods commonly found in the settlement are metal ores and pelts, brought in by traders from nearby, smaller settlements to be sold in the Arablast markets.


The town of Arablast is small compared to many other capitals, with only about 1,200 residents living in the town's central urban area. Other than the expansive tracts of farmland, the town is also home to a few shops, stalls, and taverns, most of which are limited in quality due to the poorer nature of most of the town's residents.


The buildings in Arablast are simple, made up of wooden walls and thatch roofs. The walls of most buildings in the settlement are made up of the naturally dark Bovoran wood, a spruce-like tree native to the forests north of the town. The inner fortress' walls are made of sandstone and limestone, with the supports, inside walls, and partitions made up of the same Bovoran wood used for the rest of the town's buildings.


Arablast is located on a slightly elevated hill in the northernmost portion of the Dumorian Plains, near the transition between the woods of the Southern Riftlands and the hilly grasslands of the plains. The settlement gets its water from small streams and tributaries located outside of the town which split from the Chuzhoe River located north of the town. The landscape around the town is monotonous, with similar hills and patches of forest lining the horizon in all directions apart from east, in which the distant Red Peaks are visible.
Founding Date
233 EO
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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