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The Fet were a primitive society of nomadic hunter-gatherers that resided in the Varsis Wetlands.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Fet were a generally tan-skinned people who placed an extraordinary focus in their culture and religion before all else. They were the first people in what is now Urthallia to use a written language and record historical events and their mythos. Much of this knowledge and technology was aided in development by the gods that the Fet worshipped and trusted in.   The Fet were a duotheistic people, entrusting in the gods Rokan and Karus for their religious practices. Their religion relied on the creation of shrines and ceremonies that would occur at said shrines. Much of their teachings revolved around enlightenment and the fact that knowledge would enlighten the soul, so, therefore, knowledge was to be chased after and acquired. The more knowledgeable members of society, typically older, would often lead tribes of Fet.

Common Dress code

The Fet hailed from a wetland and developed their clothing and traditions to suit such a climate. Fet males, from contemporary sources, were thought to typically wear some sort of homespun tunic along with short pants and sandals typically made from various leather but sometimes even bark. Women would most often wear a simple dress as well as sandals. The natural fauna of the region gave the Fet access to red and blue dyes, which would be often incorporated into their clothes. It is thought that simple jewelry was also worn at times. This jewelry is thought to have been limited to simple bracelets made of dyed rope and chokers made of the naturally flexible but sturdy Jisanian Wood native to the region. This wood gave the bracelets a natural ice-blue tone and was easy to work into various shapes.
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