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The United Duchies of Urthallia

A hub of magic, culture, and technology, this nation attracts the most brilliant and inventive minds of Tundrusk.


The United Duchies of Urthallia are lead by the archduke, a title passed down through inheritance in the royal family. Beneath the archduke in power are Grand Dukes, High Dukes, Lesser Dukes, and Barons, listed in order of power from highest to lowest. These individuals control fiefs and demesnes of sizes that decrease with the decreasing power of each title. Separate from the hierarchy of dukes and barons is the hierarchy of priests and religious figures used as the judicial system of Urthallia. With a singular high priest at the top and then larger and larger bodies of priests with lesser powers beneath, the hierarchy of priests works similar to that of the feudal titles in this realm.

Demography and Population

A little over 20 million denizens inhabit the realm of Urthallia. Nearly a third of these residents live in Urban zones, making Urthallia the most urbanized nation in Tundrusk. Nearly a fifth of the population is educated in some way, making it the most educated nation as well. Due to recent technological developments, the lifespan of most races has increased to 90 years.


The territories of the United Duchies of Urthallia include the regions of Urthallia and Orsica.


The military of Urthallia is weak and mostly disorganized, relying on a combination of a central, standing army and the personal levies of the various dukes, lesser dukes, etc. of the nation. The Urthallian standing military is composed of mostly volunteers from the lower classes who are moderately trained and given equipment consisting of crossbows, various plate armor, and some form of short melee weapon, such as a dagger or short sword. While the equipment and training of the nation's standing army is above average, there aren't enough volunteers for the military force to compete with that of many of the other nations and many of the Urthallian generals are under-experienced, having received their positions through nobility rather than skill. The main component of the standing army that makes it somewhat competent is its use of airships to transport troops and sometimes even to act as floating battlements.   The levies of Urthallia are even more disorganized than the standing army, due to their reliance on the various nobles of Urthallia, and have worse equipment and training. A padded gambeson and a spear is the most one can expect to receive in terms of equipment as a levy. The levied army is made up of mostly conscripted peasants in debt to the very nobles that end up leading them into combat. These levies are rarely raised, only being used in times of large scale warfare.


The religion worshiped by almost eighty percent of the population within the borders of Urthallia is the polytheistic worship of Daunism. Daunism is a pagan religion which focuses on the worship of a variety of gods and goddesses that either represent mortal ideals or embody some sort of idea. These gods are known to exist, typically residing in the first and second upper dimensions, known as the Halls of the Saved and the Mountain of the Brilliant respectively. Depending on location and personal beliefs, different groups of people may worship different gods to differing extents, but the main gods worshiped by the followers of the pantheon are Karus, Aelovai, and, recently, Joada.    Those who do not partake in the worship of Daunism are typically elves, argun, triaxians, or other rare species of mortal beings who have their own pantheon of gods that they worship. Most humans within the realm tend to believe in the pantheon, but many choose to instead worship one of the monotheistic religions of the neighboring nations, such as Yratophy or Eoclatism. Urthallia allows for the freedom of religious worship among its citizens, but the state itself is non-secular and thus there is incentive for worship of the pantheon for the chance at higher titles within the government or aid from it.

Foreign Relations

Foreign relations are typically decent between Urthallia and Riphtenland, but tend to suffer between them and other nations. Urthallia is almost always in conflict with the Orxians due to border disagreements, and Urthallia has recently suffered in its relation with the Empire of Tundrusk due to the archduke's support of the Obohr Revolt and the recent crusade which was called to take the town of Stonehurst.

Agriculture & Industry

Since the major resource of Urthallia is its wide tracts of arable farmland, agriculture has become a staple of the nation's bustling economy.


Nearly a fifth of the Urthallian population has at least a basic level of education, including basic literacy. This education is done through universities and schools housed in the expansive libraries of the larger cities such as Lavaria and Catagalino. The educated twenty percent are mostly upper and middle class citizens who reside in the larger cities and associate with the artisans and aristocrats of the populace.

From Sea to Sea, Mountain to Mountain.

Founding Date
546 BR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The currency of Urthallia is the standard platinum, gold, silver, and copper coins, called Olra, Dobra, Libra, and Ulbra respectively. There are also some exotic coins in circulation, such as the Ralbra, a coin made of Radiron worth the same as 500 dobra.
Major Exports
The nation of Urthallia produces surpluses of food due to its extensive tracts of arable farmland; therefore, the nation often exports much of their surplus to nations such as Tundrusk or, in times of peace, Orxiah in exchange for either metals and metalwork or luxury goods. The trade relation between Orxiah and Urthallia allows for an incentive for peace between the two nations, as in times of war trade ceases and the people of Orxiah often experience famine.
Major Imports
Urthallia's primary imports are luxury goods, primarily silk and textiles, as well as tools, weaponry, or raw ore. While the ores used to make tools and weapons are available in Urthallia, it's far cheaper to buy foreign ore, tools, and weapons from the Empire of Tundrusk due to the extensive mining industry located there.
Legislative Body
The lawmaking body of Urthallia is the archduke himself. The archduke, along with his advisors and the high priest, come together once a month to decide upon new laws and consider changing current laws/regulations. While the archduke's advisors are present and may provide whatever input they desire, the final decision rests on the archduke.
Judicial Body
The interpretation of the law, at the highest order, is carried out by the High Priest who is trusted to adhere to the wishes of the archduke in deciding how a law/regulation is implemented within the nation. At lower levels, lower priests carry out the same responsibilities.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Ethnicities


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