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What remains of the once powerful Dwarves.

More commonly known as Half-Dwarves, these short but powerful humanoids are common throughout the northern regions of Tundrusk and its frigid terrain. Hardy and crafty, the Mul have adapted to become great huntsmen and crafters in order to survive in the harsh climates of the Northern Coast.

Basic Information


Mul are rarely ever taller than 5’ 5’’ and stand with a stout figure, often weighing more than humans at the same height. Hair color and skin tones vary just as much as with humans but freckles seem to be common with Mul. Many do not cut their hair or beards, prefering to keep them long as a homage to their dwarven heritage.  

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Mul often live a shorter life than humans, averaging at a maximum lifespan of 60 years and thus are very ambitious and impatient. Despite their short lifespan, Mul age at a slower rate than humans, and will most likely die in better physical condition than most humans of their age.   The Mul are a nomadic people, preferring to roam the frigid wastes of the Northern Coast in tribes rather than settle down in towns or cities. A Mul’s stout and strong body often allows them to withstand many effects of the cold and it is believed that many have a higher body temperature than humans. Some even believe that there is magical intervention allowing Mul to survive harsh Tundruskan temperatures.   Mul tribes are normally led by a shaman, a mystical figure believed to have a connection to a separate dimension spiritually. The rest of the tribe is then separated into individual occupations. Each path of work is normally headed by a Shaman’s apprentice who teaches the others and acts as their overseer. Some tribes may reach into the thousands depending on environmental factors.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A Mul is often very religious, taking his spiritual beliefs and inserting him into daily life. Each day ends with a ritual prayer and the last prayer of each month ends with a sacrifice of blood in honor of the moon, the major spiritual figure in Mul religion.   Mul not found in tribes are often outcasts, wanderers, or outlaws in the eyes of their tribe. They have either committed a great crime, expressed distaste in their religion, or purely wanted more than their tribal life. Most Mul not in their tribes are found in larger cities, using their natural strength as miners, blacksmiths, or mercenaries.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo pumilio
60 years


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