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The town of Romanovostok is mostly comprised of humans, mostly of obohr descent, and mul, with a few small minorities of elves and tiefling also present. Most of these people are of the lower class, though the presence of the Everlasting Tomb and the governmental buildings of Qeringia do increase the amount of wealthy and aristocratic residents present. Most people take up jobs such as farming, hunting, or artisanship, primarily goldsmithing and cobbling.


The settlement itself is ruled, as with the rest of the nation, the despot, Semyon. While many despots are often tyrannical leaders who often take complete military and religious control over their nations, Semyon's rule is actually that of tolerance and reform. The laws of Qeringia are relaxed and often punishment is reform-based on most occasions. Serious crimes, such as treason and heresy, are punishable by death.


There is a large military presence in the town of Romanovostok, but most of it consists of militia that guards the town and the surrounding farmland. This militia is seen and perceived highly by the people of Romanovostok as many of them are former citizens of the town and general treat the townsfolk well. Many guards are seen as friends and drinking buddies, rather than horrid tyrants.

Industry & Trade

Trade in Romanovostok is regulated, with taxes applied to all goods and services rendered, and people live a modest existence because of it. The golden guild enforces rules, providing penalties to those who break them. Welfare is bad. Citizens can expect the bare minimum of death services. Healthcare and education are fringe cases, and citizens would do better to seek a private benefactor than try and receive treatment from the government.   Most of the industry in the town is comprised of the fishing industry as well as the production of kerosene from whale fat. Other than fishing based industry, the town of Romanovostok also deals in the production of alchemical and herbal concoctions used in the production of natural oils and the enchantment of various magic items and brews. This is due to the town's proximity to various natural magical wells and natural deposits of magical flora.


Buildings in this town mostly consist of stone with wooden floors and thatch roofs. Most are less than two stories tall and have large, open windows to allow for the constant flow of air. Some of the town's buildings are more intricate, with wooden window linings engraved with gold and beautiful glass murals constructed in the windows of the larger and more important government and religious buildings.


The town of Romanovostok sits near the mouth of the Krasnyi River, in a temperate grassland region of the western Obohrlansk. There are sparse patches of woodland around the region, mostly consisting of various evergreen trees. The land around the town is mostly flat, but has a slight slope as it nears the coast.
Founding Date
1289 BR
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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