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The city of Tønstadd has acted as the capital of Tundrusk since Olaf Serenski united the Northern Tribes. The city, however, was built far before the tribes were united. Tønstadd was instead the home of the Ylarin Tribe, the most powerful of the Tundruskan Tribes and the one led by Olaf Serenski. The Ylarin Tribe had lived in Tønstadd and the lands around it for hundreds of years and continue to do so.


The city of Tundrusk is mostly composed of members of three species: Triaxians, Humans, and Elves. Humans are the most prevalent of the species, but the other two still make up large portions of the population. Nearly every race in Tundrusk, from Faernin to Argun, can be found here, either as a permanent resident or a wandering traveler. The large population of the city leads to a large percentage of lower class denizens due to the amount of farmers and laborers needed to sustain the evergrowing populace of Tønstadd. The underground of Tundrusk is well-known to be a place in which crime thrives and poverty is abundant. The Empire is, however, too busy with other issues at hand to focus on the rampant poverty in their larger cities, leading to a sense of neglect growing in the minds of the lower class.


The government presence in Tønstadd is both large and influential. Tønstadd is home to the Emperor, The Advisor, and the Consulate. The current Emperor is Quintus Alquin, a Summerborn Triaxian who was adopted by the previous emperor as his eldest son. The Emperor is the main leader of the Tundruskan Empire and his advisor is responsible for dealing with foreign ambassadors and diplomats as well as menial governmental tasks. The Consulate is a council of 10 elected Consuls from each province in Tundrusk. They are responsible for voting on and creating policies as well as managing each of their regions. The Grand Commodore and the most elite units of the army are also present in Tønstadd. They occupy the forts that litter the Ulfin Peaks.


Most of the Tundruskan Empire's standing army resides within various forts and camps that are under the jurisdiction of Tønstadd. These soldiers are well-equipped and trained well in various forms of combat. The greatest generals of the Empire also reside within the walls of Tønstadd. In addition, Fort Calany on the outskirts of Tønstadd is home to the only known combat unit that has mastered the ability to fly wyverns during battle.


Being the capital of what was once the largest Empire in the entire known world, Tønstadd has a variety of shops, taverns, smithies, and even boasts an Airship Station, courtesy of Quintus Alquin. Magical goods are widely prevalent in the city, often sold at much lower prices than anywhere else in the world. The entire Empire's treasury is also present within the Royal Palace, located in Tønstadd meaning all of the nation's wealth is secured within the walls of the city.

Guilds and Factions

The main faction in Tønstadd is the Tundruskan government as the settlement is home to the Emperor, his closest advisors, and most of the federal buildings necessary for the nation to function. In addition to the national government, a few other small factions exist that occasionally influence or affect the decision making of the government.    The Swords of Tønstadd are a small mercenary group located in the shantytowns of Tønstadd. They do work for whoever may pay them but are also closely connected to the Gilded Staves, a guild of nobles that sponsors the Swords of Tønstadd with armaments, gold, and information. They are unremarkable in terms of their influence but have gained the trust of the lower class of Tønstadd.   The Sapphire Edict is an organization of artisans from the southern section of the town. They control the trade of grimgold in the town and are the most influential guild of artisans in the city. They often are able influence the tax laws set by the government in exchange for their monetary funding of the government. An organization of artisans that hail from the North of the city rather than the South. They control the trade of Vulcium which is less sought after but is more expensive due to its rarity. They typically are on the losing side of the political battle against the Sapphire Edict. The Gilded Staves are another union of influential nobles that either consist of military generals, guild masters, or political figures. They often influence the Consulate to pass legislation that benefits them directly. They have the most influence over the nation and even control some key political positions in the higher ranks of the government.   The Crimson Dawn is an organization of thieves, assassins, and outlaws who are run by one of Killroi’s minions. They strive to cause chaos in the town or whatever else Killroi may want to do at the time. They have typically stayed in the town's underground until recently when they had attempted to assassinate the Emperor, Quintus, himself.


The settlement first began as a trade hub for the Ylarin nomads to stop for rest or bartering. It quickly grew due to the vast iron reserves in the Ulrin Peaks and its seclusion from the eyes of other tribes. Growth quickly plateaued as it was hard to get a sustainable food source for a large population. This changed after an Elven Mage gave the Ylarins a cart of bags of cold resistant wheat seeds as a sign of good will. The town soon grew further due to the steady influx of food from the grown wheat and fishing industry.   During the years leading up to the Rift War, Tønstadd was a political, economic, and social powerhouse. It housed the Tundruskan Emperor and their advisor as well as the Consulate. Trade poured into the city from nearby towns and the harbour to the North. The first festival of Urn’Ifkvr was held in Tønstadd and the first pope was sworn in inside of the Grand Ylarin Temple. Many important scholars, mages, and leaders were born and died in Tønstadd and it remains one of the most influential cities in Tundrusk.   Tønstadd also houses a large portion of the Tundruskan Empire’s standing army. Many elite units are trained and housed in the Imperial Barracks in Tønstadd. The Imperial Barracks are also home to the only trained wyverns in Tundrusk and their highly trained riders.   During the Great Rift War, many Tundruskan cities were destroyed by the horrors unleashed from the Lower Dimensions. Tønstadd was able to survive as it was built in a secluded valley between the Ulrin Peaks. Eventually, the devils located the city through magical means and began a siege against it. The Siege lasted 24 years and ended in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of humans and demons. Tundrusk’s army was nearly destroyed after taking nearly 250,000 casualties in the siege, and Emperor Borhas Lenov was killed while leading the remainder of the army to break the siege and rout the demonic armies. A statue of him is present past the Southern Gate, in the spot where he was slain.
Founding Date
3056 BR
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